How To Create Connections Virtually
If you, like the rest of the world, are getting Zoom fatigue, what are some ways to spice it up and make genuine connections with teammates that don’t feel forced? How do you replicate that virtually to make connections in the current pandemic environment and drive company culture? Below are five tips that make the difference between a group event that people look forward to versus an obligation they are dreading.

If you, like the rest of the world, are getting Zoom fatigue, what are some ways to spice it up and make genuine connections with teammates that don’t feel forced?
In the pre-COVID-19 world, we found that, time and time again, the top thing employees would say are their favorite memories at a company were not business achievements but things they did with each other — scavenger hunts, escape the rooms, Halloween parties, and so on.
So how do you replicate that virtually to make connections in the current pandemic environment and drive company culture? Below are five tips that make the difference between a group event that people look forward to versus an obligation they are dreading.
Think teamwork
Create events during which employees are doing a common (read: team-building) thing together. Sure, it’s another Zoom call, but the big difference is utilizing your other senses beyond just looking at a screen and rather doing something together collectively that will make it more engaging for those involved.
Depending on your team, this may mean practicing a new wellness activity as a team, participating in a cooking class together, or getting to know your coworkers better through a game night.
Plan ahead
Before getting on everyone’s calendars, make sure the event appeals to at least the majority of the group. If you know someone on your team doesn’t drink, maybe a beer tasting isn’t in the best interest of the group, but a coffee tasting might get people engaged and talking.
Also consider an event that will even bring the most introverted person out of their shell, like a paint party. No matter what you decide, having a structured event will surely make some team memories.
Foster skills
It is possible to have a learning experience that your whole team will value and enjoy. If you work on a creative team, constructing a vision board will surely inspire, or consider a fine skill like pinhole photography. Or even improve your workspaces by creating a desktop garden.
Consider sending out a survey ahead of time to figure out what new skills your team wants to expand upon. Hopefully, you’ll get everyone out of their comfort zones and learn something about each other along the way.
Make Accommodations
Above all, a team event is only successful if it is convenient for everyone to attend. It can be hard to sacrifice productive hours during the workday, but think of it as a necessary way to get everyone working together and bonding in a way they might not have before.
Nights and weekends aren’t always convenient for everyone and would make scheduling more difficult, so be sure to poll your team before getting on everyone’s calendars.
Enlist help
Planning virtual events can feel overwhelming, but they don’t have to be. Take advantage of tools that plan the events for you, from choosing the perfect activity to shipping any necessary supplies ahead of time to your team.
The best part? You get to reap all the benefits and compliments.