
ABout Us

Here at FlippingHeck.com we’re all about helping you become more productive, build up your small business, improve your living spaces and so much more!

How Did FlippingHeck.com Come To Be?

FlippingHeck.com started back in 2004 as a way for our Editor, Katy Whitton, to vent her frustrations about ineffective bosses, terrible working environments and too much work and not enough time.

Fed up with being told to “work smarter, not harder” Katy got hooked on productivity after reading David Allen’s “Getting Things Done” and realising there wasn’t much information readily available online she decided to do something about it and set up a new-fangled thing called a “blog”.

Since then FlippingHeck.com has grown from just productivity tips and tricks to cover all aspects of business productivity and security, wellness & self-improvement along side tech tips and, of course, getting things done.

Why The Name FlippingHeck.com?

The phrase “flipping heck” is an phrase in England (yes, Katy’s English if you can’t tell from her spelling) that is used to express surprise and also exasperation

Make The Freelance Day Faster
As a freelancer, you will know how good it feels if you are given a tight deadline and you meet it. This should be made even easier to do if you follow the right steps. In this article we look at some simple ways you can keep up your productivity...

It’s something that Katy used to say a lot back in 2004 thanks to her working conditions so it seemed quite appropriate to name the website after the expression that helped her vent frustration.

Meet The Team

As our content coverage has grown, so has our pool of talented writers and we’ve got some great regular contributors and you can meet them below.

Katy Whitton

Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it’s analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who’ll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.

Katlyn Phelps

Katlyn Phelps is passionate about all things health and productivity. She’s been published on numerous websites and regularly writes on wellness and productivity tips on FlippingHeck.com.

Sam Bowman

Sam is passionate about giving small businesses actionable advice on employee motivation and happiness, remote working and life hacks with a slant towards sustainability and mental health.

Marné Amoguis

Marné Amoguis holds a B.A. in International Business from UC San Diego. She is a contributing writer at 365businesstips.com where she loves sharing her passion for digital marketing. Outside of writing, she loves traveling, playing music, and hiking.

Andy Latkovskis

Andy Latkovskis is an HR Officer specialized in employee training and development. He is truly passionate about nurturing talent and ideas that evoke transformative change in individuals, teams, and organizations.

How To: Use A Personal Kanban Board
Kanban isn't a new method for managing your to-do lists, but it's certainly kept itself quite in terms of personal productivity. In this post I look at how to use Kanban Boards to manage your to-do lists and keep track of your important tasks.

Dawn Castell

Dawn is a loving wife and mother of three and an up-and-coming entrepreneur. With all she has learned about business, she has decided she wants to help other businesses avoid the mistakes she has made and help them succeed even when she is still searching for that very thing for herself.

Want To Join The FlippingHeck.com Team?

We’re always looking for new writers to join us, if you have an interest in any of the topics we cover here on FlippingHeck.com please contact us so we can discuss it further.

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