February 17, 2025
Holiday Email Examples Worth Bookmarking

Holiday Email Examples Worth Bookmarking


The holiday season is the hot favorite time of the year when brands try connecting with their audience and make sales. 2020 is an exceptional year for marketers as they witness new consumption patterns, and this holiday season is like none other. The first ten days saw a 21% YoY growth in online sales, and perhaps, you might want to take advantage of this additional spending appetite.

Illustration of email marketing with man using a megaphone
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The holiday season is the hot favorite time of the year when brands try connecting with their audience and make sales. 2020 is an exceptional year for marketers as they witness new consumption patterns, and this holiday season is like none other. The first ten days saw a 21% YoY growth in online sales, and perhaps, you might want to take advantage of this additional spending appetite.

In this article, we are going to share a few emails that hit the sweet spots right and are worthy of bookmarking. I have picked examples that are visually appealing and have some smart tactics that will bag higher conversions. Have a look at them and see if your email developers can get some inspiration from these examples for your future campaigns.

#1 The Scoop Of Positivity – FitOn

Every one of us has memories of Halloween, but the pandemic situation seems to spoil the fun this time. FitOn came up with this lovely Halloween themed email template with recipes and workout tips. Email copy focuses on sprinkling some positive vibes as the typography in the hero image and subsequent content blocks cheers up the reader. While it is not advisable to use multiple CTA buttons, they fit in perfectly with this message. Check out if you can use the following design language to pack quotes of positivity and value for your subscribers:

Halloween email template by FitOn

(Image Credits)

#2 Impressive Hero Image With Smart Sales Funnel

If you think the above hero image is good, here’s something even better. Kate Spade has used smart tactics that drive engagement using psychological hacks. If you look at the cat, its paw is pointing towards the CTA button, and it motivates the reader to click on it instantly as if they are helping the cat. I would also like to draw your attention to the sales funnel they have used below it. They mentioned the price range for buying products, and it is a good example of extending convenience as well as setting up your sales funnel upfront. You can also do the same if you have numerous products with varying price tags.

Kate Spade holiday gift guide email example

(Image Credits)

#3 Echoing Customer Intent – J. Crew

Holiday season means fashionable winter wear, and here, J. Crew echoes the customer’s intent beautifully. Their email is relatable, and it works as a mini catalog, displaying multiple products. They have used minimal design, and the email renders beautifully on all screen sizes. You can use similar tactics to echo with your customers’ intent for staying relevant to the holiday mood and making some sales.

J. Crew winter wear email example

(Image Credits)

#4 Harnessing The Visual Appeal – J. Crew

In yet another example, J. Crew shows how visual appeal adds value to your message. Instead of stacking the apparels, they have used large GIFs to show the readers how their clothing looks in a winter backdrop. That’s some smart marketing which most of the brands can harness to connect with their audience. GIFs are getting popular with email developers these days but coming up with a provision to display your product in a self-explanatory way is perhaps its best use. If you are a data-driven service provider, you can also use gifographics.

J. Crew animated GIF email template

(Image Credits)

#5 DIY But Tell Us If You Want To Buy – Tattly

Easter eggs are an important part of the celebrations, and everyone loves having one. Decorating the delicate egg shell consumes a lot of effort, designer items, and hard work, but Tattly decided to be helpful to their customers instead of directly pushing sales material. They sent this beautiful DIY guide for making a beautiful easter egg and displayed their products at the end. The readers will find this message helpful, and they might make the purchase as well because they will learn the design which requires the displayed products. This is a simple yet effective method that you should definitely bookmark for use in your future marketing campaigns.

Tatly Easter gift guide

(Image Credits)

#6 Bring Traffic + Fight Cart Abandonment At Once – Italic

Italic cart abandonment graphi

(Image Credits)

The number one reason for cart abandonment is too high shipping costs. In this emailer from Italic, this concern is addressed upfront. This gives a good reason for the readers to check out their products as it sounds a good deal for almost any purchase. Notably, this drives traffic to their website as people would browse it to check if their desired products are available. I find this strategy extremely beneficial for online retailers and B2C businesses. Check out this example to see if you can kill two birds with one stone:

Italic Free Shipping example

(Image Credits )

Wrap Up

Holiday season is the best year of the time when reaching out to your subscribers is a sign of positive engagement, and it’s also expected out of you. People are willing to spend money, and they are less likely to shy away from any good deal, so you should make use of this period proactively. In this article, I have covered some of the 2020’s most beautiful and smart email marketing works so that you can bookmark them and get inspired when running your future campaigns. You can also hire an email marketing agency to encash the current season in case you’re running short of staff. I hope you find this blog insightful, and it adds value to your email marketing endeavors in the upcoming days.

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