How To Discover Your Productivity Habits Based On Your Personality Type
You might often feel like your productivity isn't where it could be, whether it comes to work or hobbies. Maybe you struggle to focus for more than an hour, or…
You might often feel like your productivity isn't where it could be, whether it comes to work or hobbies. Maybe you struggle to focus for more than an hour, or…
This week we learn to reduce stress with guided meditation, work on our posture, make some objective decisions and figure out what Harry Potter house we'd be in based on…
You might think that being introverted and spending time on your own means that you're not going to be able to interact with anyone ever - but you can! Don't…
In this edition we see how your earnings stack up with other countries around the world, what career you should really be in based on your MBTI type and some…
This week we take a look at 11 simple techniques you can use to gain more respect at work, some tools for Gmail (one of which will help you tame…
Are you an introvert? Perhaps you struggle making conversation with others or getting your point across? Fear not! In this guest post Mary Kleim gives you 7 easy to use…
Does being an introvert hinder or enhance your work experience? In this Guest Post Lewis Humphries takes a look at how being an introvert can bring a lot of benefits…
Every now and again I re-take The Myers-Briggs test to keep an track on how I'm doing personality-wise. When I first took the test back in 2006 I was classed…
Every few months or so (for reasons of vanity I guess!) I retake an online Myers Briggs Test. The past year has seen quite a drastic change in terms of…
It's not often that I write about myself personally; I guess I find it a little embarrassing. However I have recently been taking an inward look at myself (which is…
Bloginality have an interesting take on the Myers-Briggs personality test by linking it to blogging. Answer...
Brain Lateralization Test Results Right Brain (34%) The right hemisphere is the visual, figurative, artistic,...