February 11, 2025

Weekly Round-Up #80: Paper vs Technology for To-Do Lists, Tame Your Calendar And Earn Respect At Work


This week we take a look at 11 simple techniques you can use to gain more respect at work, some tools for Gmail (one of which will help you tame your calendar) and whether Paper or Technology is best for your to-do lists.

Weekly Round-Up #80: Paper vs Technology for To-Do Lists, Tame Your Calendar And Earn Respect At Work
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Hello! Well, it’s almost the weekend so it’s time to grab a coffee and relax whilst reading this week’s pick of productivity articles I’ve put together for you.

This week: can you play Pokeman Go at work? How to be more productive with Almond Butter, how to fix your morning routine and how your Myers-Briggs personality type may affect the way you get into a rut.

How To Maintain Your Productivity During The Pokemon Go Craze – Luxafor Blog

Unless you’ve been living in outer space you won’t have been able to escape the phenomenon that is Pokemon Go (although it wouldn’t surprise me to find that there is a Pokemon on the I.S.S). The app has been downloaded 7.5 million times and is taking over not only the playground but the workplace as well. If you’re worried your employee’s productivity will suffer the read this article on how you can allow workers to have fun and get things done too.

6 Impressive Gmail Tools You Might Have Missed – Make Use Of

I love Gmail, and whilst I do use Thunderbird and Outlook for one email account, all of my main emails go to a Gmail account that I manage through the web interface. Development of Gmail seems to have become a bit stagnant of late – maybe because Google’s been concentrating on it’s new email offering Inbox – but this selection of tools may help you extend the functionality of Gmail if there’s a feature you feel is missing.

5 Tools that will make Dusting Quick and Easy – Ask Anna

Some days I actually look forward to doing the housework, and others it’s a chore I detest. I like the “3 bucket” idea in this post. I do tend to keep certain types of cleaning items together in the space where I use them (bathroom cleaner in the bathroom) etc. but I am leaning towards keeping all my cleaning supplies in one place and this may be just the trick to keep it all organised.

Why Your Morning Routine Isn’t Working, and How to Fix it – Lifehacker

This post gave me a little bit of an “ah-ha!” moment when I read it. I have a terrible job getting myself up and going in the morning, this post advocates that it may not be my morning ritual at fault but my evening one – sort out my evening and nighttime routine and the morning should fall into place. Over the month of August I’m going to try and sort out an evening routine so watch this space!

How to Be Way More Productive – Inc

Tim Ferris advcates having a couple of tablespoons of Almond Butter before bed to help you wake up perkier. Hmmm, I may consider adding this to my August evening ritual at some point to test whether it works – have any of you tried it? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

6 apps for people who are easily distracted at work (a.k.a., everyone) – Mashable

There are some interesting apps on this list but my attention was caught by Calendly which I can see having a wealth of different uses from business meetings or social groups to social media and blog post management.

What Each Myers-Briggs Type Does In A Rut (The Rise Of The Inferior Function) – Thought Catalogue

Did you know that your Myers Briggs Score can affect how you get into a negative state? This article takes each of the 4 types of Myers Briggs personalities a takes a look at what causes your ruts and how you can get out of them based on your personality type.

11 Ways to Earn Respect at Work – Entrepreneur

If you take nothing away from this article but one thing, please let it be point number 11 – “Always be professional, even at office parties”. I’ve lost count of the horrors that have happened at the office Christmas do and the fall out that everyone has to deal with afterwards!

Write it down or Power it up? To Do Lists – Lil Divette

It’s the big question of the modern age – do we write down our to-dos on paper or by using technology? I’ve toyed with both systems in the past and I’m currently rocking q bespoke paper-planning system but if you’re not sure which way to go then Lil Divette goes into some great detail about the pros and cons of both systems.

Have A Great Weekend

I hope you have enjoyed this week’s articles. Remember, if you’d like to suggest an article please tweet me @FlipHeck or Contact Me Via The Website

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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Featured Image: Notebook & Phone by KaboomPics on Pixabay
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