7 Techniques To Improve Your Communicative Skills For Introverts
Are you an introvert? Perhaps you struggle making conversation with others or getting your point across? Fear not! In this guest post Mary Kleim gives you 7 easy to use techniques to become a more confident introvert

Silence speaks a lot. You are either a pervert, a sneaky thief, a spy, ignorant, a witch or any other thing far from human-friendly. If you can’t come out of your shell and explain yourself, it will be easier for many to start thinking that you are any of those. Unfortunately, for introverts, that’s how a human brain reasons. Besides, you will miss a lot if you can’t state your mind. You might not get a job, a mate or the worst, friends. The good news is, you don’t have to sweat it. In this article, I’m going to take you through 7 useful techniques on how you can improve your communication skills as an introvert.
1.Bond with your outgoing friends
Sometimes, you can’t just do it yourself. You need someone besides you who knows how to do it best, and this is where having at least one outgoing friend might save you the trouble. Outgoing friends are fond of partying; they like to meet and interact with new friends and engage in all sorts of events. Don’t sit back and watch them enjoy all the fun while you hide in your shell. Join them and learn how to meet and interact with new people. Let them teach you how to do it.
2. Do away with the habit of apologizing
Introverts are fond of apologizing for their behavior even when it is not needed. If this is your habit, stop. You are only making it harder for yourself. Apologizing sounds like “I’m stupid for doing that”. If you are doing it so much, you will start to look like a freak. This is one thing that prevents most introverts from keeping up with others especially the strangers. If you did something that you are fond of doing, embrace it simply because it is your natural way.
3.Learn to pause
Keeping quiet for a long time can mess you up when you finally decide to speak. This is because, you kept a lot to yourself and when you finally get a chance to talk to someone, you can’t hold back. Everything including your personal issues wants to come out. Again, some people may find this awkward plus you’ll regret it the moment you close your mouth and start to ponder over what you were saying. To save yourself the embarrassments, practice with a friend who understands your introvert nature. While talking to him or her, learn to pause in the middle of your conversation.
4. Begin your conversations with a smile
According to studies, smiling can make you feel at ease especially when you are facing a tough crowd. There is also a high chance that by doing this, the audience may smile back at you, making it easier for you to start your conversation. So, before you do anything, look at the crowd and with a smile, greet them. This will make you more relaxed and comfortable for you to start your conversation.
5. Give others a chance to talk
As mentioned earlier, shy people have a hard time pausing to hear what others say the moment they start to talk. Learn to listen to others. Let them do most of the talking while you do most of the hearing. This will reduce chances of you making mistakes that you will regret later. If they are not talking, try and force them to talk by asking questions. Letting them participate will save you the trouble of messing up your conversation.
6. Focus on your strengths
One thing that makes it harder for an introvert to communicate effectively is the fact that they always think they are on the wrong side all the time. As a result, they try and mimic what others do to save themselves the embarrassments. Don’t do this. Trying to be what you are not might not go well the minute you lose focus and get back to your real self, plus your audience might not appreciate it. Don’t tell jokes when you know that you are worst at it. Find something that you are good at and stick to it. It is all about being yourself.
7. Learn through social media
Sometimes it is harder to speak when you are not sure of how the audience will react. It is because, you don’t do a lot of socializing and as a result, you don’t understand people. Chatting with your new friends on Facebook or Twitter, will not only help you learn how to handle a conversation but will help you learn a few mistakes you need to avoid while having a conversation. The best part is, you won’t be doing it face to face, meaning that you can try and find out how you sound to others without any fear.
Ask yourself this question, where would humans be without communication? The truth is, nowhere. Communication is what keeps us going. Despite the variations in cultural backgrounds, traditions, skin color, languages and more, ability to understand each other has helped us replace primitive practices that held us back in the past with a hopeful civilization where everything is possible. To cut to the chase, a good communication skill is what defines humanity. Drop that ‘introvert’ label, come out of your shell and see how far you can go. With the seven communication tips above, I’m sure you can do a lot more. Get more tips from The Flipping Heck Motivation Section