Sickies Make Up 12% Of Absences
Some surprising figures have come to light about how much sickies cost businesses each year.

From the BBC…
UK bosses suspect that one in eight of all UK workplace absences are due to staff faking illness, research by the CBI suggests.
I was going to write something about this yesterday as it was pretty much all over the news but as I was off sick (I kid you not – how guilty did I feel?) I didn’t get around to it.
Apparently it costs businesses something like £13 billion a year in sickdays so 12% of that pulled as a “sickie” (i.e. I have a hangover so I’m not going to work today) amounts to a fair amount of cash.
But don’t feel too guilty! They rolled out a psychologist who reckons that the odd sickie is good for morale and productivity as it helps us destress – hoorah!
Now if none of you turn up to work tomorrow I am not to blame!