February 17, 2025
Industry Credentials: How Can They Help Your Career?

Industry Credentials: How Can They Help Your Career?


You might think that most jobs require a college/university degree in order for you to be a suitable candidate for employment but that’s not strictly true. Read on to find out why industry credentials are the new degree.

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You might think that most jobs require a college/university degree in order for you to be a suitable candidate for employment but that’s not strictly true.

Traditionally employers would only look to those who have a bachelors or graduate degree before even granting them an interview but in recent years they’ve realised that they’re missing a great section of talent due to this “old fashioned” approach to recruitment.

Companies no longer demand degrees and are now looking for more diverse candidates from a variety of backgrounds for entry level positions and will also take into account experience and industry credentials for more advanced positions.

If you’re able to get a foot on the ladder – no matter at what level, you should then be able to progress by taking courses and do training relating to the job you’re in.

Many companies offer to pay for this training as it benefits them as well as you – just be careful as some may place conditions on you taking these courses such as repaying some or all of the course fees if you leave the company within a certain time frame. Make sure to check with HR (or whoever is responsible for training) before you agree to take a course.

If you’re not convinced that industry credentials will be right for you, take a look at the infographic below that West-MEC has put together which explains the benefits of these types of training programs.

The Benefits Of Industry Credentialsclick for full size version

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