Ideas For Improving In-Office Culture

Ideas For Improving In-Office Culture


As an in-office team, your workplace is where you spend most of your time. Staring at screens, lack of conversation, plain white walls – it can get tedious. You can decorate, upgrade and improve the look of your space over and over again but if you don’t have any office culture, productivity and morale will go down.

People working in a cafe taking notes
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As an in-office team, your workplace is where you spend most of your time. Staring at screens, lack of conversation, plain white walls – it can get tedious.

You can decorate, upgrade and improve the look of your space over and over again but if you don’t have any office culture, productivity and morale will go down.

Your business culture is everything from how you interact with your team to how you present your business. Your culture is how you and your team build relationships, how you maintain them, and most importantly, it encompasses how everyone sees themselves in the company.


What you and your team do in the office is where culture starts.

Here are some easy yet incredibly rewarding ideas for your office to cultivate culture and motivate the team:

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Weekly Hangouts

You go to work, you get the job done and you go home. It’s boring. Your team in the office are the people you hang out with the most. How often do you talk?

Schedule weekly breaks in your office to catch up. Find time for coffee on a Monday morning to chat about the latest gossip or clock-off early on a Friday for some weekend wine!

By encouraging your team to spend time socialising together, you’ll start to notice that the silence in the office breaks. As everyone starts to become a bit more friendly, productivity will come with the positivity you have cultivated.


Morale sits at the heart of work culture. Through encouragement and a little boost of self-esteem, your team will realise they can do anything they want to do.

To start cultivating this in the office, one of the most rewarding ways to increase productivity and get people to work together is through incentives.

Incentives work very well for individuals; however, they can also work well with teams.

By setting high yet achievable targets with the promise of an attractive reward, your team members will find their drive. Seeing and experiencing success in small amounts boosts morale while bringing people together through the common goal of business success.

Housekeeping Jobs

Your team is your business’ family, and your office is your home.

Cultivating culture within your team is a bit of a psychological experiment. You want people to feel as though they are part of a team, like a family, and work as a unit. You have to put all the building blocks in place to do so.

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By adding a little housekeeping to the mix, you’re adding another building block into place to cultivate a feeling of family.

Small housekeeping jobs add an element of responsibility. It can be as simple as a budget to get the coffees and flowers or as big as the office building maintenance. Each task assigned will not only affect those that are responsible but those who receive a coffee or benefit from the office makeover. It’s little moves like this that bring people together.


With these simple but dramatically effective ideas, you will not only transform your office atmosphere but start to build relationships in your team. By concentrating on the culture of your business and getting everyone involved, productivity and positivity will shine through.

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