5 Business Lessons For Your Team From The Escape Room Experience
If your idea of visiting an escape room is just about chilling out with your buddies, you are mistaken. The experience goes much beyond personal thrill and enjoyment. Think of it as a fascinating group activity that you can use for team building. Not convinced? Read on to see how an escape room could make your team more productive.

If your idea of visiting an escape room is just about chilling out with your buddies, you are mistaken. The experience goes much beyond personal thrill and enjoyment. Think of it as a fascinating group activity that you can use for team building. This may sound a bit surprising but you can actually build a stronger team for your organization by taking them on an escape room outing. Besides having a great time there, there are some important business lessons they can learn from the experience. Here are some of these lessons.
A new perspective matters
There are times when your team falls into a stagnation mode, doing the same things in the same way through the years. Rather than bringing in new people, you should focus on creating a fresh perspective. This is exactly what an escape room adventure teaches the team to do. They see problems (puzzles) differently and look for new ways to solve them. Wouldn’t it be great if they get the same fresh perspective in their work behavior as well?
Everyone should contribute
A team’s success comes from individual contributors and every small contribution matters. By arranging an escape room experience for your team, you give them the chance to understand the significance of cohesive work. It is not possible to get out of the escape room unless everyone puts in their intelligence and creativity in solving the clues and moving from one level to the other. Unless everyone pitches in, you may never be able to get out.
Failure leads to success
Another business lesson, and more importantly a life lesson, that your team can learn from the experience is that failure leads to success. In fact, escape rooms are all about learning from your failures and never giving up. There will be challenges that the team may not be able to solve but this itself will motivate them to try again and keep trying till they succeed. Every single failure gives you more information and you come up with a better way to solve the puzzle and move ahead.
Be open to ideas
Even the weakest members of your team may have the best ideas to take your business ahead. This is something that managers tend to ignore and end up losing great ideas and great employees. With an escape room experience, you can make people understand that every small idea can make a big difference. So you shouldn’t discount any suggestion, no matter where it comes from and however insignificant it may seem.
Keep your sense of humor
Perhaps the most important business lesson that you can learn from an escape room experience is to keep your sense of humor even in the toughest situations. A light-hearted attitude keeps you going in business and in life as well. This is something people often forget as they get involved in work but good humor can drive better teamwork and results for the business.
If you want to invest in a great team-building activity, an escape room outing is the best idea. While this can be an exciting experience, there are some useful lessons to learn as well.