How To Find A Job When You Have Anxiety
It’s believed that around 1 in every 7 people in Australia suffers from some degree of anxiety. That’s a lot of people, accounting for close to 3 million Australians. Everyone can experience anxiety from time to time, but it’s when anxiety becomes a chronic condition that it can present a real problem. This is also a factor when it comes to trying to find a job and, even more importantly, holding down a job for an extended period of time. This post is going to focus on some tips and advice for finding a job if you suffer from anxiety, as well as potential jobs for people with anxiety.

It’s believed that around 1 in every 7 people in Australia suffers from some degree of anxiety. That’s a lot of people, accounting for close to 3 million Australians. Everyone can experience anxiety from time to time, but it’s when anxiety becomes a chronic condition that it can present a real problem. This is also a factor when it comes to trying to find a job and, even more importantly, holding down a job for an extended period of time.
This post is going to focus on some tips and advice for finding a job if you suffer from anxiety, as well as potential jobs for people with anxiety.
Anxiety And Neurodiversity
Being neurodiverse is a general term used to describe people who live with mental issues, particularly ongoing issues. Anxiety comes under the term neurodiversity. Not every aspect of a mental health problem is negative and neurodiverse people can have a lot to offer that is positive. This is also true in a work environment. Neurodiversity is also about everyone being more aware of and understanding of different mental health issues.
Because of this enlightenment, more and more employers are hiring neurodiverse people, as they understand the distinct advantages a neurodiverse workforce can offer their business.
Avoid Job Roles With High-Stress Levels
An individual who is already suffering from chronic anxiety is not going to be comfortable with or perform well in a job role that regularly involves high levels of stress or constant pressure. These roles can prove difficult for even the calmest of people, let alone someone suffering from anxiety.
Those with anxiety are certainly not limited to only seeking out low-pressure job roles. All jobs come with a degree of responsibility and all involve some pressure from time to time, but you’ll Want To Avoid Fast-Paced Environments And Jobs That Obviously Involve High Levels Of Stress.
Job Roles For People With Anxiety
To begin with, searching for jobs with a degree of flexibility is a wise idea, as having this flexibility when it comes to your tasks, hours of work and so on can help to reduce the feelings of anxiety. You’ll also want to seek out positions that are either not deadline-focused, or are more lenient when it comes to deadlines.
Perhaps even working remotely from home is a good idea when you suffer from anxiety issues, as there is often way less pressure in a home work environment and you’ll be surrounded by familiarity.
There is also such a thing as good stress, or positive stress instead of negative stress. This allows the mind to remain focused and therefore there is less room, and time, for worrying.
It’s been suggested that job roles that involve things like research, investigation and analysis will be more suitable to a person who has regular anxiety issues. Generally, these tasks are not high-pressure or deadline-focused, but they are also tasks that fully engage the mind in a good way.
Creative fields are also a good choice for someone with anxiety. Jobs such as graphic design, photography, architecture. Anything that’s creative is more stimulating for the brain, leaving the mind far less prone to moments of anxiety. Creative roles are very absorbing and this is a positive for anyone who is anxious. Being creative is also extremely rewarding and very relaxing.
Some other industries to consider for those suffering from anxiety include:
- Information Technology
- Social Work
- Financial Services
- Tradework
Seek Professional Assistance For Job Search And Employment Opportunities
If you’re suffering from anxiety and want to find a job, you don’t have to go it alone. There are professional services available to assist you with both managing your anxiety, as well as helping you to find a job and keep it.
One such avenue of support is to team up with a local Jobactive provider. If you’re currently receiving a Centrelink benefit, have a chat with a customer service representative about signing on with a Jobactive provider near you. Sometimes all it takes is a little help to achieve your goals and dreams.
The Wrap
Having anxiety doesn’t spell the end of your employment prospects or pursuing a career. It’s more a matter of choosing job roles that work with your anxiety rather than exacerbating it.