October 21, 2024

Weekly Round-Up #92: Productivity Tips For Students, Business People, Entrepreneurs and Bloggers Alike!


The past couple of week’s it’s been back to school for a lot of College and University students so in this round-up we take a look at some useful tools and techniques that they can use to make student (as well as home and office) life more productive.

Weekly Round-Up #92: Productivity Tips For Students, Business People, Entrepreneurs and Bloggers Alike!
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Hello, and welcome to this week’s round-up. It’s slightly later than usual today as I’m on holiday and have got completely out of my normal routine! I guest I should have followed Guest Author Mark Ellis’ advice on How to remain productive on a working holiday – whoops!

Anyway, on to the round-up. This week we cover a variety of tools and techniques that can be used by anyone to get their act together, become more productive and get more stuff done. As a lot of students are back to College, University and School this week (or starting proper courses if they’re freshers) then this is aimed at them, but the tools listed below can be used by anyone to get their productivity act together.

Online Citation Generator – Academic Help

For a lot of student’s it’s their first term at University and you can be somewhat thrown into the deep end when it comes to the proper formatting of essays. Who knew there were so many ways to set up citations and bibliographies! Well, this online tool is here to help. Simply plug in the required details (author surname & initial, publication year, edition, title etc.) and you can format your citations in a range of acceptable formats. This will take some of the hard work out of essay writing and leave more time for the student union!


Treffn Meeting Manager – Treffn

I was contacted by Treffn to take a look at their app – and I admit I haven’t installed it myself as it’s iOS only and while I do have an iPod touch it has no contact details on it which makes this app a bit redundant. The basics behind Treffn is that you set up a meeting with the app, set a date time and location and then invite people from your contacts list. Even if they don’t have the app they’ll be able to see a handy map to the location and reply with their availability. This would be great for organising student meetups that use varying locations, or business meetings that take place on different sites. And the best thing? It’s currently free!

Managing Huge Task Lists – Done Before Brekky!

As much as we try our best to keep on top of our to-do lists, there will always be occasions when they start to creep out of control and become massive. Don’t worry though, there’s no need to chuck it away and start again as Brendan Toner has some fantastic advice on keeping that ever-growing to-do list in check. And once you’ve read part one, hop on over to the second part of managing task lists where there’s some great ideas on managing multiple files linked with your to-dos.

Weekly Round-Up #73: Get Productive With Podcasts, Starting A Habit and Don't Quit Your Day Job
This week's round-up covers goal setting, some podcasts that will get your productivity juices flowing and some interesting news about sending emails (or should that be not sending emails) in France!

15 Routines Successful People Do Every Single Morning – Personal Income

Whether you’re a student, teacher, business person or blogger I’m sure by now that you’ve realised that a good morning routine is the key to a great day. In this post Mike from Personal Income gives us 15 simple and actionable tips for getting a great morning routine in place – remember though students (and bloggers!) you need to get up first to action them!

Best project Management Software – The Simple Dollar

The team at The Simple Dollar have put together a really comprehensive list of project management tools. There are free and paid offerings listed here so there is something to suit every budget and team size. And don’t think that project management is just for business and start-ups, you can use project management tools to help students plan their essays, thesis or larger practical projects so things don’t fall through the cracks and you have a sensible workflow.

Weekly Round-Up #314: Tips For Students & Environmental House Cleaning
This week we have some tips for students: Side hustle ideas to make some extra cash, and some handy Microsoft office cheat sheets to make you more productive when working on your assignments. We also have some great tips on how to clean the exterior of your home without impacting...

30 Home Organization Bloggers To Lead You To An Organized Life In 4 Weeks – Colorado Space Solutions

A lot of us are working from home in an home office, or small space in a dorm room. We all know the importance of a tidy work area after all I was discussing productive working environments back in 2008!

5 Ways To Improve Your Time Management – The Good Men Project

I like the idea in this article of creating a “Time Budget”. How often have you been sat working on something and you don’t know where the time went, or you thought a task would take 15 minutes and instead it takes 2 hours. If you go through and allocate time to tasks, as you would money to expenses you can start to see where it all goes. You can use a spreadsheet to budget your time, or use a notebook or bullet journal to track time budgets vs actual time spent in a variety of ways


Have A Great Weekend

If you have an article you think my readers would like the please Contact Me via the website or drop me a tweet @FlipHeck.

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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