February 8, 2025

Weekly Round-Up #91: Healthy Habits Round-Up


This week’s round-up focuses on all of the Healthy Habits articles I’ve posted over the month of September, includes some previous posts on health and fitness you might have missed and also contains a free habit tracking download for you!

Weekly Round-Up 91 - Healthy Habits Round-Up
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Welcome to this week’s round-up. As we’re coming to the end of September I thought I’d take the opportunity to round-up all of the healthy habits posts that I’ve written in the “Healthy Habits” series along with some of the other health-related articles I’ve written over the years.

Free Healthy Habits Bonus: Check out the bottom of the post for your free monthly monthly multiple habit tracker download!

Healthy Habits Series: Habit 1 – Choosing and Tracking Habits

Just because there is a new fitness fad or diet going around doesn’t mean that you need to join in and track it. In this post we look at how and why you should choose your habits.

Healthy Habits Series: Habit 2 – The Importance Of Meal Planning

One of the cornerstones to a healthier lifestyle is a healthy diet and it’s a lot easier to achieve this with a meal plan in place. Read why it’s important and get your free meal planner downloads.

Healthy Habits Series: Habit 3 – How Your Diet Can Affect Your Productivity

Moving on from the importance of planning meals to the importance of diet for your general productivity. Sure, you may be craving chocolate but will that actually help? To find out, read on!

Healthy Habits Series: Habit 4 – Don’t be a slave to your habits

If you’re tracking your habits and attempting to do something daily – or on set days – don’t feel bad if you miss a day, after all life happens!

How To Regain 10 Extra Hours A Week For More ‘Me Time’

“Me Time” is often pushed aside due to the fast-paced always connected lives that we lead but it’s really important for recharging our batteries and keeping ourselves fit and healthy.

Three Fitness Trackers With Smart Watch Notifications

If you want to start a healthy habit, you need the right equipment and where better to start with a fitness tracker to keep an eye on your step count and distance – and why not get it to interact with your phone too so you don’t have to stop moving!

Getting Ready For Resolutions: The 9 P’s To Form A Perfect Habit

In this post we look at the 9 “P’s” to get your habits really on track. These 9 simple tips will have you forming habits and reaching your goals in no time!

Getting Ready For Resolutions: Tracking Your Goals And Habits

If you’re looking for an online way to track your goals then this post has you covered, from fitness & weight to stopping smoking there’s something for everyone.

Getting Ready For Resolutions: How to form habits and set goals

In this article we take a look at the 4 steps to making a habit stick, from what a habit actually is to defining, tracking, and rewarding yourself.

Review: iBody Activity and Sleep Tracker

If you don’t want to spend a fortune on a fancy fitness tracker then you may want to think about an iBody – I’ve had some good results.

Review: MyFitnessPal

Track your food, exercise and weight in one place with MyFitnessPal

Free Download: Goal & Habit Tracker

If you’re looking for a functionally designed habit tracker then this

Free Download:Menu Planner & Shopping List Revisited [Multiple Sizes]

Free Download: FlipMealPlan Free Printable Meal Planner

If you’d like to track your habits on paper, then this functional tracker is just for you.

Weekly Healthy Habit Round-Ups

There’s a little bit for everyone in these health-based round-ups

Weekly Round-Up #88: Tracking your Goals, Why Scoring Goals Is Good For You and How You Can Safely Select Produce

As part of this month’s Health Habits Series this round-up takes a look at some ways you can track your goals, how your habits are progressing and how you can take care of yourself and eat healthily and avoid illness.

Weekly Round-Up #89: Standing Is Still The Best Medicine, Bad Office Habits & Why We All Need A Hygge

Standing is still the new sitting when it comes to desks, there are some things you really need to avoid in the office if you want to feel good at work and there’s a new Danish trend sweeping the world and it’s all about self-care and looking after number one.

Weekly Round-Up #90: Your smartwatch is making you fat, eat all the cheese you want and Turmeric FTW!

In this week’s Round-Up we continue with the health theme and take a look at how your fitness tracker may actually be damaging your health, not helping it and discover some surprising properties of turmeric.

Free Bonus For You

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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Featured image by: Lazare on Pixabay
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