February 12, 2025

Weekly Round-Up #73: Get Productive With Podcasts, Starting A Habit and Don't Quit Your Day Job


This week’s round-up covers goal setting, some podcasts that will get your productivity juices flowing and some interesting news about sending emails (or should that be not sending emails) in France!

Weekly Round-Up #73 - Get Productive With Podcasts, Starting A Habit and Don't Quit Your Day Job
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Hello! And welcome to this week’s round-up. This week we look at how to quickly get your confidence back, how to make a good impression and how to manage your time.

If you haven’t already, don’t forget to check out this week’s guest post “The Ultimate Hack to Never Wasting Time Again on Editing PDFs“, if you work with PDFs then take a look and how you can manage them better.

15 Things You Don’t Owe Anyone At All (Though You Think You Do) – Lifehack

We sometimes find ourselves the target of criticism or people poking their nose into our affairs and you may think that you need to justify your life choices and decisions you’ve made. This article gives you 15 things you don’t need to say sorry for.

Everything You Need to Migrate Your Home Office to Linux – MakeUseOf

I have an ageing PC and whilst it’s not on it’s last legs just yet I can’t really upgrade it any more and it’s still running Windows XP so could really do with an overhaul. If you’re in the same boat as me, maybe this article will be of help. I’ve dabbled with Linux in a technical way for web hosting but I’ve never really used it as a main operating system and this article covers everything you need to know about moving over to Linux.

The Power of Habit: 3 Steps to Starting (or Stopping) Habits of Any Kind – Pick The Brain

We all have habits, most of them you’re probably not even consciously aware of. This article gets you to think about your existing habits and how you can implement (or quit) habits in 3 simple steps.

Why Quitting Your Job to Chase Your Dream Is a Terrible Idea – Jeff Goins on Medium

In this internet day and age there seem to be so many people who quit their job and make it big on the Internet by writing, producing courses or providing services – but is the process that simple? Jeff Goins argues that it’s not that easy to quit your day job to pursue your dreams.

How to Get Your Confidence Back in 5 Minutes or Less – Success.com

Despite our best efforts we all take knocks to our confidence from time to time. This article shows you how you can quickly get your confidence back on track.

7 of the Most Interesting Podcast Episodes About Productivity We’ve Ever Heard – Hubspot

I really need to start listening to more podcasts – and this is a great place to start. Hubspot rounds up some great podcasts to get you started.

How to Turn Your Phone Into a Productivity Tool (Because Right Now It’s the Opposite) – The Muse

I’ve actually had my phone on silent for the past couple of months and it’s made a big impact. I’ll be writing about that soon but until then this post over at the Muse will teach you a thing or two about being productive with your phone stealing your attention all the time.

A Harvard psychologist says people judge you based on 2 criteria when they first meet you – Business Insider

I’ve written in the past about making a good first impression but even before you get to the greeting people are making their mind up about you – check out this post over at Business Insider to find out more.

France’s After Work Email Ban Is 1 Step Closer To Reality – Huffington Post

France is looking into banning email outside of work hours for companies with more than 50 employees. Whilst I like the concept of this idea, I think implementation may be hard. We’re in a global world dealing with people in many different time zones. Is it really feasible to try to confine email to a 9-5 routine?

The Busy Person’s Lies – NY Times

We all have the same hours in the day as Beyonce! Or that’s the saying any way. We come up with so many excuses as why we can’t do things thanks to a lack of time – but are we really that time poor or just being inefficient?

5 Steps To Make Your Goals Happen – One Dollar Cottage

If you don’t have goals, you’re not alone. Apparently 84% of Harvard students when questioned said they didn’t have goals, or you may have goals and not even realise it. In order to set and achieve them you need a plan of action and this post will walk you through the necessary steps to reaching your goals.

Have A Great Weekend

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About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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Featured Image: “Beautiful Girl Listening To Music” By nenetus via FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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