Weekly Round-Up #87: Healthy Tips To Get You Back On Track After The Summer
Health is an important factor in our lives, and there are often small changes we can make to improve our general well being and overall chances of avoiding major disease. In this round-up we take a look at some great links KatyBeth Dee from SelfExam.org has given us to get us in shape and fitter than ever!

I was contacted recently by Katybeth From SelfExam.org providing me with a list of great resources for the more health conscious amongst us.
We all seem to have this great big effort to get healthy for the summer and then once the holidays hit we can go mad with cocktails, cake and carbs. The problem is not long after it’s Thanksgiving in North America and then before you know it it’s Christmas and the weight’s been piling on.
Bad diets and lack of activity doesn’t just affect our weight, it can also bring on depression, heart problems, diabetes and has been linked to an increased risk in certain types of cancer.
Katybeth’s website is there to promote preventative action for men and preventative action for women in order to ensure you don’t get ill, or if you do it’s picked up early.
So, grab yourself a nice cup of Green Tea, put your feet up and check out these great articles that Katybeth has put together for you to help improve your health, wellness and happiness.
Editors Note: The links are from Katybeth, all comments are mine
Body Mass Index Calculator – National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
It’s not just weight that’s an important factor in health and weight loss, your body mass index is too. If you’re in the UK you can use the NHS BMI Healthy weight calculator which will give you ideal calorie intake levels too based on age, sex and height.
10 Ways to Get Kids to Eat Healthier – GAIAM
Kids can be fussy eaters at the best of times, and it seems anything that’s healthy is a no-go area. In the past I’ve made fun faces out of food or made it a competition (it’s amazing how a kid who hates brussel sprouts will suddenly eat them if there’s a game being played). This post gives you 10 simple and manageable ways to get kids interested in health eating and food that’s good for them.
Gardening at Home with Kids – Home Advisor
If you want your kids to eat healthily then what better way than to get them to grow and nurture their own food. They can choose what they’d like to grow and help tend to it from seed to plate, that way they can understand the food process better and know that it’s not “evil” as they made it!
How Much Exercise Do You Need? – Harvard Medical
It seems every week that they are telling us we need to do a different amount of exercise. Walking 30 minutes a day, then 30 minutes every other day, then as long as we do 3 hours a week and it can be in one go… I can’t keep up. We all know exercise is important (although I do seem to forget that fact) and this article from Harvard medical breaks down activities for you so you can see what you’re actually achieving – or you could buy yourself a Smartwatch Fitness Tracker to keep an eye on the steps and activity you take during the day.
Fitting Fitness into Your Busy Schedule – Simple Fitness Solutions
I guess I am “lucky” with my job in that for 50% of the day I am on my feet and the other 50% I am sitting down so it sort of balances itself out… right? if you’re one of the people who sit for nearly 100% of your work day then this article will help you look at ways you can improve your exercise routines, alternatively you could perhaps build yourself a standing desk for just $22
How to Get Fit With Your Dog – Rover.com
For those of you who follow my Instagram account you’ll know that I’m very much a cat person. Want proof? You got it!
What you may not know is that a friend of mine has dogs and I used to walk them every day for a few years. It’s a shame I stopped – mainly due to work commitments and I got fat due to stopping all this exercise, and so did one of the dogs (stopping a 3-5 mile walk everyday is bad!) so I guess it works both ways! Oh, and for proof I like dogs (almost) as much as cats:
18 Surefire Ways to Get Sick While Traveling – Independant Traveler
I have to admit, I don’t really travel a lot – not even within the U.K. I just don’t feel the need to leave home for too long, a day trip is as good as a rest for me! If you are a frequent traveller though there are some ways that you may pick up some nasty visitors without meaning to. I’ve always been advised in certain countries not to drink the water, use it for brushing your teeth or have ice in your drinks but there are so many more things to be wary of… no wonder I don’t go abroad!
How to Stay Well When Your Kids Are Sick – Parenting
There’s nothing worse that dealing with a sick child than when you’re sick too – there’s only so much vomit and snot you can clean up at once, right?! This post covers how you can minimise the risks of getting sick yourself when dealing with an ill family member – and this applies to adults too, not just children.
Guide to Common Allergies – Tree Removal
I used suffer from terrible allergies, almost to the point when they thought about sitting me in a room with no windows for my exams, or making me stay back 6 months so I could take them in November and even now I do suffer – albeit not so badly and medication does work (after a fashion). This post covers a few of the main causes of allergies and how you can prevent their spread and treat any symptoms.
Tips for Preventing Heat-Related Illness – Centres For Disease Control
It’s still unseasonably warm across many areas of the world, here it the U.K it’s warm and muggy whereas the temperature is usually starting to drop at this time of the year. Warm weather can be a problem for small children, the elderly, anyone with lung conditions or if you’re physically active so it’s important to know how to cope during these hot spells.
Oral Health: Brush Up on Dental Care Basics – Mayo Clinic
Did you know that your oral health can affect your overall wellness and wellbeing, not just bad breath fillings and loose teeth?
People take the mickey out of the British for having bad teeth and dental health but over the last 30 years our free dental care service has been ensuring kids are cavity free and painfully straightening their teeth with braces: we don’t all look like the American T.V Cartoons would paint us.
Image courtesy of TV Tropes
You don’t even need to do a lot, just get yourself a reasonable electric toothbrush, brush a minimum of twice a day for two minutes – simple! As for flossing… it would seem as long as you brush and use a decent mouthwash you may no longer need to go through the agony.
Smart Snacks for Healthy Teeth – Colgate
I’m sure you know that there’s plenty of sugar in chocolates and cakes so if you want to snack healthily with benefits to your teeth then the long list of “good” snacks in this post will help. There’s also some great advice from the Oral Health Foundation on the PH (acidity & Alkalinity levels of food) and what you can do to counteract them – what’s especially interesting is the advice not to clean your teeth until an hour after eating as you can damage your enamel.
Editors Note: The main post linked is by Colgate and the second post linked is by Wrigley’s Extra. I have received no money for the placement of these links and they are for information only. In the interests of clarity I don’t use chewing gum and my preferred toothpaste is Oral B Pro Expert!
Dental Care Tips for Caregivers– Coast Dental
If you’re having to deal with an elderly relative or someone who doesn’t have the mobility to care for themselves in certain ways it’s quite easy to overlook their dental hygiene whilst you cope with other aspects of their care-giving. This post covers some ways you can help with this important aspect of their personal care.
Over To You
Do you have any tips for staying healthy that we may have missed? Got a favourite recipe or exercise technique? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to check out Katybeth’s SelfExam.org website.
Have A Great Weekend
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