Employment Lawyer: How Domestic Violence Can Impact You & Your Employees


Domestic violence is not only confined within the home. It may go further into the workplace. A victim of domestic violence tends to have prolonged tardiness and absenteeism, and may affect productivity and an employee’s self-worth and morale. This is also true with the abusive family member. Employers and employees should seek the expertise of an employment lawyer to help handle cases of domestic violence. In this post, you’ll learn the impact of domestic violence on you and your employees.

Employment Lawyer: How Domestic Violence Can Impact You & Your Employees
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Domestic violence is not only confined within the home. It may go further into the workplace. A victim of domestic violence tends to have prolonged tardiness and absenteeism, and may affect productivity and an employee’s self-worth and morale. This is also true with the abusive family member.

Employers and employees should seek the expertise of an employment lawyer to help handle cases of domestic violence. In this post, you’ll learn the impact of domestic violence on you and your employees.

Domestic Violence Can Affect the Productivity of Your Employees

Domestic violence or domestic abuse refers to all types of violence or other forms of abuse done by one person to another in a home or domestic setting. Whether couples are married or not, any harm caused to family members is considered family violence or domestic abuse.

Domestic violence also involves violence against the elderly, children, and parents. Some examples of domestic violence include sexual abuse and violent physical abuse like beating, choking, or even female genital mutilation.

Domestic violence can affect your employees’ attendance, job performance, work relations, and your overall company. It also has a big impact on the image and reputation of your business, especially if the victim or perpetrator is your employee. That’s why it’s important to seek the help of a reliable employment lawyer who can give you advice on legal policies concerning domestic violence.

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Here are some ways an employment lawyer can help you in handling cases wherein your employees are involved in domestic violence:

  • An employment lawyer can help you fight for your employees’ rights and best interests by helping them file a case as necessary.
  • Provide expert legal advice on the next steps employers need to do upon knowing that an employee is a victim or perpetrator of domestic violence.
  • An employment lawyer can help you, the board of directors, and your HR team to formulate solid company policies about observing proper workplace behavior and how to deal with employees who report incidents of domestic violence so prompt action and support can be provided.
  • An employment lawyer can help refer your employees to professionals, such as marriage counselors, psychiatrists, and social support organizations to find avenues to express or resolve marital disputes and other family issues.

Domestic Violence Can Affect the Morale of Your Employees

Employers should take prompt action and reinforce a positive work environment for employees. An employment lawyer can be sought to boost the morale of your employees who are victims of domestic violence.

Also, domestic abusers can express themselves before a third-party or legal representative, and get help on how to eliminate domestic violence that can ruin a person’s career. For instance, an employment lawyer can refer the abuser to an alcohol rehabilitation program, or encourage undergoing drug rehabilitation.

Domestic Violence Can Result in Conflicting and Difficult Business Decisions

During the cycle of domestic violence, abusive partners tend to consider the workplace as an avenue to do violent actions. For example, an abuser can start stalking, attacking, or harassing other employees. too. This is why employers face a difficult decision whether to retain or let go of employees who are dealing with domestic violence.

All aspects should be taken into consideration because being involved with domestic violence can be too embarrassing and costly for a company. If one of your managers or performing employees are accused as the perpetrator in a domestic violence legal case, the impact on your business can be devastating. While letting some of your top talents go can affect your business operations, you have to act according to employment laws.

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An employment lawyer should be contacted, so you’ll know the best legal action to take. Employers cannot just fire employees. Due process should always be maintained, and an employment lawyer can help you make the best company decisions when it comes to hiring, recruitment, and termination.

If any of your employees is a victim of domestic violence, a family court lawyer should be consulted immediately. In that way, affected employees can return to work a hundred percent prepared, focused, and devoted to their professional responsibilities.



Domestic violence is not only a problem inside the home setting. It can extend to the workplace, which can affect your employees and your business. Absenteeism and tardiness occur, as well as a loss of focus or concentration performing duties in the workplace, decreased morale, and poor performance. For employers, it’s important to make informed decisions when handling such a case by consulting an experienced, trusted, and reputable employment lawyer.

Featured Image: Supplied by the author
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