February 11, 2025

5 Rules For Establishing A Positive Company Culture


Having a great company culture is an excellent way to improve employee retention and will keep your employees happy. There are different ways to implement company culture and not every company will use the same strategies but there are certain things every company should do to have a great culture.

5 Rules For Establishing A Positive Company Culture
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Running a company is something that is not easy and takes a lot of time and work. One of the first things that you want to do is establish a company culture. This will determine how your employees feel when they are at work and how everybody interacts with each other and customers.

Having a great company culture is an excellent way to improve employee retention and will keep your employees happy. There are different ways to implement company culture and not every company will use the same strategies but there are certain things every company should do to have a great culture.

Here are 5 things you should do for a great company culture:

Let Your Employees Breathe

Many companies think that they can let their employees work for 12 hours days for 6 days a week and that they will get a lot of work done. This may be true for the short term but for the long term your employees will burnout quickly and retention rate of your company may drop over time. Give your employees time off, breaks and understand that they have a life outside of work.

Recognize Their Hard Work

Your employees show up everyday and work for long periods of time. They put up with management, HR and anything other changes that may be happening within the company. They deserve some recognition for their hard work. This can be done with employee recognition programs and other programs that are not printed out pieces of paper that say ‘happy one year anniversary’. If someone is working overtime to get a project done, say thanks by ordering food for them or verbally telling them. Make the rewards good and not something that is impossible to get.

Have Great Managers

Everyone has had a bad manager in some point in their work history. No matter how great your coworkers are, if your main manager or other managers are not the greatest, it can make work an extremely hostile and stressful environment.

Hold managers accountable. They should be interacting frequently with their team in positive ways and offering feedback to employees. Management should be switched up or changed if a lot of employees are complaining about a certain manager or there have been multiple instances reported to HR. Good managers should also be recognized for their hard work and the long hours that they may put in.

Be Intentional

If you have a set of rules just to have a set of rules, you will want to rethink how you are managing your business. While rules are great and rewards are also great, if they are not intentional and meaningful they will fall short when received by the employee.

Make rules that are going to benefit your employees and your customers. Give rewards that are not thoughtless or not well planned. Show your gratitude to everyone in the company or on your team so everyone can feel included. Ask your employees for honest feedback on what can be improved.

Trust Your Employees

You may ask why this is such a big issue but a lot of companies do not trust their employees and it shows within the company’s rules and how they manage their employees. If your company hires an employee, it is logical to think that they trust that employee.

This should be reflected in how the company runs on a day to day basis. You want to make sure that your employees are focused and on task but that does not mean that you have to micromanage them are be looking over their shoulder at their desk all day.

Creating a positive company culture takes some hard work but is worth the effort. Not a lot of companies have a great company culture that is healthy and when you establish one, you will attract amazing employees that are dedicated to your company and cause. Be sure to share this with a coworker or friend to get the conversation started!

About The Author
Dawn is a loving wife and mother of three and an up-and-coming entrepreneur. She has spent the last couple years trying to get her business off the ground. In her journey, from working for a big CPG company and a pretty popular tech company to starting her own business, she has learned a lot about the difficulties of running a business and how to be successful. With all she has learned about business, she has decided she wants to help other businesses avoid the mistakes she has made and help them succeed even when she is still searching for that very thing for herself. First and foremost is her family. Second is her business and helping others with theirs.
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