Different Careers With Needs For People Management
People management, it sounds like a rudimentary term sometimes. When you’re a people management professional, you’re doing so many different things at once. You’re helping junior staff grow into their roles, you’re giving training to employees to help improve the general skill level of workers, you’re helping employees with payment or holiday issues, you’re putting employees in positions where they can really shine and you’re also just managing the day to day admin stuff.

People management, it sounds like a rudimentary term sometimes. When you’re a people management professional, you’re doing so many different things at once. You’re helping junior staff grow into their roles, you’re giving training to employees to help improve the general skill level of workers, you’re helping employees with payment or holiday issues, you’re putting employees in positions where they can really shine and you’re also just managing the day to day admin stuff.
All of this falls under one umbrella, but certainly not one industry. Business is the best place to go if you are a manager by your nature but there are other fields of work where your skills are greatly needed. However, we tend not to look in those directions because they seem unrecognizable and not so ‘corporate’. Yet the pay is virtually the same and the role you play is almost identical. These fields and industries might tickle your fancy if you’re looking to start something new.
Fishing for the win
The commercial fishing industry was in decline for some time but over the past decade it has bounced back. With more and more consumers not wanting to buy fish that has been reared on land in hatcheries, the opportunities have exploded. Many large and medium sized businesses are always looking for professionals that can manage tasks that are ongoing in real time. For example, a company might own 200 ships of all sizes and natures. They are sending out these ships in waves so that they have a constant stream of supply coming in to shore. Managers are required to keep a check on the staff that is available on deck, as well as the tonnage of catch that comes in. Everything needs to be accounted for, from the amount of fuel expended for the catch to the types of fish that have been caught. If you can manage people and deal with an exciting and complex network of teams, then this is a great field to start a new journey in.
Supporting the local team
Sports teams are now representatives of not just the loyal supporters but of the city and country. When Chelsea Football Club go off to Italy to fight in their Champions League match, they are effectively representing England and the UK as a whole.
Sports teams are organizations that take in hundreds of millions every single year in profit. Therefore, this can be seen as an ideal industry to be in if you’re a professional manager in your industry. Take a look at these Jobs in Football and see if you can find your ideal administrative position. There are various roles like Events Manager, Academy Marketer, Advertising and IT support that have positions where you will be leading teams of professionals.
The environment may be different but you don’t need to change your style of approach as sports teams need corporate minds to help them in these fields.
People management is a field where you need to have the principles of dynamic teamwork lodged in your brain. You can use these unique skills in various other industries such as fishing and sports.