February 12, 2025

Weekly Round-Up #66: Budgeting Made Easy, How did they send email in 1984 and getting to sleep and sleeping well

Weekly Round-Up 66
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Welcome to the weekly round-up of posts I find around the internet that I think you’d like to (or should) read.

This week we get our budgets in order, take a trip back to 1984 and lots of information about sleep!

The Ultimate Printable Budget Binder – Thirty Handmade Days

Unfortunately your finances need as much organising as your mental tasks. This post from Thiry Handmade Days gives you some great ideas on how to organise your budgets and keep track of your spending with some great free printables.

F?kasu Is a Simple Timer Based on the Ideal 52/17 Productivity Schedule – Lifehacker

Apparently we’re all better off if we work for 52 minutes and then have a 17 minute break. This is quite a big difference to the Pomodoro Technique where you work for around 25 minutes. I’m not sure how 52/17 would work in an office situation as being seen to be not “working” for 17 minutes may annoy a fair few people – irresepective of how productive you’re being. Keep an eye on the blog for a guide to the F?kasu technique.

This 1-Minute Routine Can Help You Get More Quality Sleep – MyFitnessPal

This is a realy great idea but I’m not flexible enough to cope with any of these (thanks back injury!) and I find that when I do anything mildy energetic before bed – including stretches – it seems to wake me up. I don’t think you can go wrong with a good old meditation session.

This 1984 video explaining how to send email is a blast from the past – The Next Web

Over 30 years ago the UK had an email system owned by the Post Office (and therefore funded by the Government). I don’t rememeber the program called “Database” – it was a bit before my time. For those of you born after 1990, watch to the end of video so you can hear the noise we used to have to put up with when onnecting to the internet.

3 Steps For Breaking The Imposter Syndrome Cycle – Fast Company

Do you sometimes feel like you don’t belong or you’ve blagged your way into a situation? Feel like a fraud or that you’ve got so far and then your knowledge will run out? This article walks you through how to break this cycle and the benefits for doing so.

Getting Six Hours of Sleep Can Be Just as Bad as Not Sleeping at All – Lifehacker

Regular readers will know that I’m more than slightly obsessed with sleep. I either sleep or I don’t and by that I mean I’ll get 4 hours sleep (thanks insomnia!) or 18 hours sleep (thanks strong bladder!). I’ve read studies that state sleeping less than 8 hours can cause weight increase and irritabiliy, but it can now (according to recent studies) cause major health problems. Getting 6 hours of sleep can be as bad as drinking on the job – although I know which one I’d prefer. If you’re a person who doesn’t sleep a lot then this is an interesting read, although note that if you’re used to getting a certain number of hours sleep a night (whether it be 4 or 10) short term differences shouldn’t affect you.

Late sleepers are tired of being discriminated against. And science has their back – Vox

Following on from how hard it is to get to sleep, it’s not only health issues we have to deal with, it’s also the social stigma against certain waking habits.

I know, I get odd looks and snide comments from people when I tell then I usually do get up until 12pm – unless I’m working (and then I struggle). “What?! That Late??” they cry! They don’t bother to ask what time I went to bed (or more importantly got to sleep), if they did they would know I am so jealous of their 7-8 hours sleep and their jealousy of my supposed lie in until late wouldn’t happen if they realise I slept less than half the time they did.

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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Featured Image: Bed On White Bricks Wall by kittijaroon from freedigitalphotos.net
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