7 Tips For A Successful Digital Detox
We all get hooked to social media so much that it becomes almost impossible to start a digital detox or go offline for a longer time. It’s good that apps allow us to communicate with different people from different parts of the world almost at the same time. But despite all of the advantages, it’s not advisable to be available all the time.

You may notice that being online prevents interaction with others and has a bad impact on social interaction. Many of us have been in a situation that we want to decrease the time we spend online however, when we try, we realize that we don’t know how to do it.
I too, had this experience of having hard times stopping hanging out on social media. My motivation for this article is to share best practices regarding the question of how to digital detox, so you don’t have to struggle with this alone. Let’s go into practical digital detox tips that I have put together for you.
Tip 1: Set Your Goals In Advance
At the end of the day, we all want to feel satisfied with all the work done and the results we have achieved. A sense of victory is what motivates us to move forward and because of that, I suggest that in advance, you set up your digital detox plan and start with small steps which you can accomplish.
We will explain it with real-life examples. On the weekend, you can decide that you will make a small break from using the Internet every working day. We suggest that you start only with a 1-minute break.
After some time, you can increase the duration of the break. We assure you that this strategy can work because it’s an old strategy that has already been proved as a good one. This tactic is called the One-minute principle of Kaizen. It comes from Japan.
We will quickly explain to you this old strategy which is excellent for developing new habits. Set a goal. You will need to practice it for only one minute every day at the same time. The name of tactic Kaizen consists of two words, Change and Wisdom, and that already tells a lot.
Tip 2: Find A Replacement
The problem with digital addiction is that we don’t know what else to do in our spare time if we don’t have a phone to mindlessly scroll through. It would be good to find any replacement that means something to you but also brings you joy.
Think about things that you like to do but never have time for; It can be a new hobby like painting, swimming, or just playing with kids or pets. Maybe some hobbies require extra money and in that case you can ask for a personal loan online to fill the gap.
For some people, only practical activities make sense. If you are this kind of person, then I suggest that you do some math! Yeah, it’s not a joke. Take a pencil and calculate all the time that you spend online. Then think about things you procrastinate on like home cleaning or closet rearranging and you will realise you the time even for things like that.
Tip 3: Go Back To Analog
You may think of it as a mistake, but I propose that you consider the analog option for some apps. Sometimes even for simple activities, we switch to digital so let’s go back to analog.
Alarm clock, flashlight, and calendar are the apps that you can replace without even noticing. Don’t feel embarrassed to show your kids how it was done before! They may also be curious to try the old-fashioned way and don’t forget for them this is a new thing.
Tip 4: Change The Settings
Sometimes we can use enemies’ techniques as a strategy to conquer the enemy. Here are some ideas on how to set your phone so it works in your favor.
Silence Notifications
This will help you to postpone your social media activities.
Change To B&W Settings
Some experiments have shown that we are too focused on bright colors. Our proposal that you change the wallpaper and background to a black and white option. Like this, you should be less distracted by your phone.
Airplane Mode
Setting your phone on airplane mode will ensure your offline time and I highly recommend it before bedtime.
Tip 5: Move Your Body
This proposal may seem awkward to you, but it is a successful way to stay tuned and to feel the benefits of a digital detox in a short time.
Doctors already proved that physical activity is good for overall well-being so instead of mindless surfing, you can put your favorite song on and start your happy dance.
Unfortunately, I know that dancing still isn’t socially acceptable in the working environment, but don’t worry, I’ve another proposal: Stretching exercises can last just like your work break and they are already adjusted for a sitting position so now you have no excuses, just start practicing.
I guarantee that you like this new digital detox habit. The results are fantastic, and you will notice the change after one week. You will feel more relaxed and also have better efficiency at work.
Tip 6: Invent A New Ritual
Sometimes with too much work and digital addiction, we can get the feeling that we are functioning like robots so it’s not a wonder that when we ask people what is a digital detox they answer that it is returning to themselves.
With the digitalization of free time, it’s become obvious that we forgot how to relax. Breathing techniques can help you to decrease stress and go into deep relaxation. Guided meditation for relaxing your mind can also be useful for reclaiming inner peace.
Tip 7: Challenge Yourself
When nothing else is working, you can always hold yourself accountable. You may already hear about the digital detox trend that is called the digital detox challenge. You should announce your decision to go on a digital detox and then pause with social media for a certain period.
It is an effective method if you are this type of person that you like to do things despite everything. Nevertheless, we suggest that you do it step by step. First, you may try the weekend challenge, then the week challenge, and at the end of one-month digital detox.
I hope that after reading this article, you have some new ideas for digital detox that you can implement in real life. If you already had the experience of digital detox, please share it with us in the comments below. Personal experience is priceless, and it may help others too. If you are in the process of digital detox, good luck, and feel free to combine different tips. Have you ever tried to stay offline during the weekend? What are your experiences?