January 24, 2025
Workers’ Compensation And Remote Workers: 3 Things To Know

Workers’ Compensation And Remote Workers: 3 Things To Know


Workers’ compensation is insurance that provides medical care or cash benefits to staff members who get sick or hurt while doing their job. Staff members have the legal right to sue their company for injuries sustained or damages incurred doing work-related tasks. However, if the employer provides worker’s compensation to the injured party, the employee then must waive their right to sue their boss.

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Workers’ compensation is insurance that provides medical care or cash benefits to staff members who get sick or hurt while doing their job. Staff members have the legal right to sue their company for injuries sustained or damages incurred doing work-related tasks. However, if the employer provides worker’s compensation to the injured party, the employee then must waive their right to sue their boss.

What You Must Know About Worker’s Compensation And Remote Employees

Over the years, many companies have had their employees reporting physically in their workstations. However, this has changed today. Presently, you’ll find several organizations with employees operating from home.

Many people may wonder whether the remote hires are also entitled to workers’ compensation. This article offers helpful information about remote employees and their eligibility to utilize the benefits of workers’ compensation.


Here’s what you should know:

1. Workers’ Compensation Is Required For Remote Employees

In most states, the law requires business owners to have workers’ compensation, even if they only have one staff member. This insurance is supposed to cover all workers, including those working remotely.

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It might not be uncommon to find that most employers with small enterprises and few hires don’t invest in workers’ compensation. However, this can be catastrophic for them if one of their remote employees is injured or gets ill in doing their job. Since the workers have a legal right to sue, the employer may be charged hefty penalties for their worker’s injuries and damages.

If you work from home, research what your state declares about this type of insurance for remote employees. This might help, especially if you acquire work-related injury or get sick because of your job. If the unfortunate happens and your employer doesn’t have this cover, hiring a local lawyer may be recommendable. According to experienced Henningsen Injury Attorneys, P.C. understanding your rights as an injured victim will help you get the compensation you deserve.

Since these professionals are conversant with your state’s law, they’ll fight for your rights in court and ensure you’re appropriately compensated for your injuries. For instance, if you live in the North Carolina area, consider a reputable workers compensation law firm North Carolina. If you stay in other regions, conduct thorough research to find the best attorney to work with or ask for referrals from loved ones who also work remotely.

On the other hand, if you’re a business owner with remote workers, invest in this worker’s compensation insurance, and make sure you also check your state’s provisions. This way, you and your business will be safe in case of any incidents.

Woman sitting at a desk rubbing a her sore neck

2. What Injuries Are Covered?

Usually, if a remote worker is hurt when doing their job or gets sick because of their work, they have the burden of proof. This means that they’re responsible for proving that their accident or illness is work-related. This can be challenging, because each area has its own laws concerning remote working injury claims. Therefore, every worker must understand the rules in their region because what may be compensable in one state or country may not be in another.

In most cases, if a remote employee injures their back while lifting a work package brought to their homes, strain their necks and shoulders, or get illnesses because of sitting for long hours, they may be entitled to compensation. On the contrary, if they slip and fall while getting coffee in their kitchen or taking a bathroom break, they may not have a valid claim. That said, the last two incidences may be complicated and could sometimes require a judge’s decision.

3. How Are Cases Investigated?

An employer may have no control over an employee’s working environment. This may be so, even if they are able to supervise and direct them one way or the other. That said, it doesn’t mean that the employer should deny all claims brought to them by their remote workers.

In most instances, an adjuster is contracted to thoroughly look into the claim before the injured or ill party is compensated. During the investigation, this expert will interview the worker claiming compensation. They will also get the worker’s written or recorded statement detailing how the injury occurred or how their illness was acquired. Additionally, the adjuster will ask for supporting documents like medical records indicating that the employee’s injury or ailment is work-related. After that, the expert will compare the statements they acquired to what was presented to the company.

From all the data gathered, the adjuster may determine if the worker’s claim is valid or not. However, if they’re unsure, the business owner’s insurer may seek guidance from a local attorney with expertise in the state’s workers’ compensation law. The lawyer will advise them if the claim in question is valid or not. Also, they may give their opinion about how strong or weak the case might be if taken to court.

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If the matter goes before a judge, two things could determine the outcome. First is the state’s workers’ compensation law, and second may be how the court handled similar cases before.


The work environment keeps changing every day. Over the years, most companies have had their employees reporting physically to offices. Presently, many organizations have embraced remote working. While this is beneficial to both the enterprise and the workers, a major puzzle for most businesses concerns workers’ compensation and workers doing their job from home.


In this article, you’ve understood that remote employees are also entitled to workers’ compensation. You’ve also learned the injuries covered by this insurance and how investigations are carried out. This article could benefit you as a business owner with remote workers or a person doing their job from home.

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