Weekly Round-Up #322: The Most Popular Content of 2022
We’re rounding up the most popular content of 2022. I find it an interesting exercise to see how trends are changing and what people are finding useful as the years roll by.

Welcome to the final round-up of 2022. Where has this year gone? It seems to have flown by, doesn’t it?
We’re rounding up the most popular content of 2022. I find it an interesting exercise to see how trends are changing and what people are finding useful as the years roll by.
So without further ado, let me wish you a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous and Productive New Year and thank you for coming on with this self-improvement journey with me. Now on to this year’s most popular content!
Most Popular Articles
6 Noble Professions You Should Consider For Your Career
Choosing a career is no mean feat. It is particularly hard to make up one’s mind since there are so many factors to consider and it may be difficult to prioritize. What do we really expect of our future career path, and should our ideal job be as profitable as it is rewarding? Read on to find out.
6 Ways To Remember A Large Amount Of Information In A Moment
Do you happen to encounter difficulties in recalling important information lately? No worries, you’re here to learn several powerful memory tricks that’ll help you remember things better and will increase your brain’s memory functions. In this article, we are presenting the 6 ways best
strategies to remember a large amount of information in just a moment!
5 Best Tips For Learning By Heart
Discover key tips for learning by heart, learn how to boost your cognitive capabilities and other tricks that’ll help you memorize long-term!”
How To: Use A Personal Kanban Board
Kanban isn’t a new method for managing your to-do lists, but it’s certainly kept itself quite in terms of personal productivity. In this post I look at how to use Kanban Boards to manage your to-do lists and keep track of your important tasks.
7 Answers To The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Personal Development
Guy walks into a library. He asks the librarian, ‘Where’s the self-help section?’ The librarian shrugs, ‘If I told you, wouldn’t that defeat the
purpose?’ Dad jokes aside, people have a ton of personal questions about self-improvement. Nearly 38,000 people follow the topic on Quora. Here are some of the top questions and my answers, which include tips and resources improve your life.
Five Must-Have Key Skills For A Historian
Historians have an unprecedented value as they play a vital role in our society. They synthesize and store the events of the past and present in
the form of literature and data. Their personals and civilizations preserved from history have helped society build a better future for the
upcoming generations. Historians dedicate their life to study prominent events of the pasts like wars, revolutions, and coups. They provide their services in various workplaces, including universities, schools, and public and private companies.”
7 Habits: Habit 5 – Seek First To Understand Then Be Understood
Habit 5 looks at seeing things from someone elses perspective. If we are to be able to have a meaningful conversation with someone we first need to understand their needs and frame of reference – only then can we achieve a Win/Win outcome.
Why Speaking Eloquently Is So Important In Business
Whether we like it or not, at some point in our lives well have to get up and speak in front of a crowd. It may be in front of a class, a wedding
crowd, as a sales pitch or just a few co-workers. In this post we take a look at the dos and donts of public speaking and how you can improve with just a few minor changes.
What Are The Pros And Cons Of Time Tracking?
You should not use time tracking in your organization because others are doing it. Like every other valuable management tool, monitoring employee activity is only effective when it is suitable. So, a good manager must recognize and weigh the pros and cons of time tracking before using it.
Most Popular Downloads
All our downloads are free – you just need to sign up for our newsletter to get the password (don’t worry, you can unsubscribe at any time!). We have over 100 downloads and are adding more all the time so make sure you sign up to our newsletter to be updated when new content is added.
7 Habits Of Highly Effective People Worksheet
Download your free 11 page “7 Habits Of Highly Effective People” Worksheet and learn how you’re already using Stephen Covey’s core principles of being an effective employee, family member, friend and human!
Pomodoro Time Tracker
If you’re a fan of the Pomodoro technique and paper-based planning then this planner is for you. The FlipPomodoro allows you to write down all of your tasks and mark off your Pomodoros and breaks against them so you can keep track of how much time you’ve been working on each task. For more information on how the Pomodoro technique works read my “”Ultimate Guide To The Pomodoro Technique.
A5 & Happy Planner Monthly & Plain Goal/Habit Trackers
This Goal and Habit tracking set is designed to be used in the classic Happy Planner but can be resized for A5 planner too.The kit contains plain dated pages and Monthly dated pages in a grid format so you can quickly add the goals and habits you want to track and simply fill in the squares when you have completed a task.The month headers are faded to allow you to colour them in any way you want, or just leave them as they are!
There are two ways to use the FlipTimePlan: as a “Time Suck” tracker and as a planner to track your daily tasks. Both methods are the pretty much the same, although with the “Time Suck” method you write tasks down as you do them and with the “”Daily Planner” method you use the planner to pre-organise your tasks the night before or the morning the plan starts.
How To Bullet Journal: The Ultimate Guide To Getting Started
You may have heard of the organisational technique called “Bullet Journaling” as a way to get your to-dos, calendars and someday/maybe lists under controls. If you’d like to start bullet journaling but don’t know where to begin then this guide covers all the basics from what you can use a bullet journal for and terminology to equipment you need.
This download allows you to manage your timeboxes in paper format. Whether you want to work in 60, 30 or 15 minute boxes this download will help you work out your timetable. Check out the original “TimeBoxing: What is it and how to use it” post for more information.
Gamify Your Day Tracker
The “Gamify Planner” allows you to assign scores to a variety of tasks that you need to work on that day. Track all of the tasks you need to accomplish and assign them scores to increase your productivity and likelihood of completion.
FlipToDo – To Do List Planner
Recently I’ve been concentrating a lot on apps to manage your To Dos so I thought I’d go “Old School for this post. I still prefer to write down tasks on paper so I’ve developed the FlipToDo planner to keep track of what I need to do.
KT GTD Planner
Use this GTD inspired planner to keep track of your tasks and progress. This is a 2-up page designed to be cut out and placed in your Moleskine. It’s suitable for printing on A4 or US letter paper.
Sticker Set 001 – Household Chores, Finances And Games
This sticker set is perfect for any planner type. It will print on A4 or Letter labels (and has a gap to allow for printing on 2x A5 labels also). The set includes stickers to remind you to clean, do laundry, take your kids to sports (or watch a game yourself), pay day, accounts and much more!
Have A Great Week
Was your favourite article or download on the list? Is there something you would like to see us write about or create a download for? Drop us a comment below and we’ll see what we can do for you!
I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.
Until next time, Stay Productive and have a fantastic 2023!