Weekly Round-Up #279: Office Plants & Home-made Cheese

Weekly Round-Up #279: Office Plants & Home-made Cheese


In this week’s round-up, we take a look t 15 easy-to-maintain houseplants that will brighten up your home office and we also take a look at 5 simple cheese recipes that you can make yourself at home.

A group of vaious cheeses
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Welcome to this week’s round-up, I hope you have had a fun, safe and productive week.

Office plants are an important addition to any work space – not only do they may your work area look nice, they can improve air quality and productivity too. So, with that in mind (and the fact that I am terrible at keeping plants alive) we have 15 office plants that are easy to maintain.

I don’t know about you, but I am mad for cheese. I shouldn’t be as I have a dairy intolerance but I can’t stop myself eating it (my all-time favourite is red Leicester – we all have our weaknesses, right? A few years ago I bought myself one of those cheese making kits and was surprised at how easy it was to make ricotta, mozzarella and halloumi. So why not give it a go? 2020 was the year of Sourdough and banana bread so why not make 2021 the year of cheese?


15 Best Office Plants That Are Easy To Maintain – Happy DIY Home

The best office plants can help brighten up the space, create a relaxing environment, and help keep your indoor air healthier. No matter if you want a closed terrarium on your desk or a large office plant in the corner, they all work well to create a productive environment. However, you don’t need high-maintenance or finicky plants in the office. You may forget to water them, or everyone may be one for a long vacation and high-maintenance plants can die before you get back. To avoid this, I’ve picked out 15 of the best office plants that are very easy to care for, maintain, and keep looking lush and green while adding a nice touch to your space.

5 Homemade Cheese Recipes That Are Super Easy To Make Yourself – Outdoor Happens

If you want to level-up your make-it-from-scratch game, why not try homemade cheese? Making things from scratch can be fun and rewarding, and making your own cheese is no exception. Plus, you get delicious cheese that’s often tastier than any store-bought cheese.

Weekly Round-Up #205: Easy Christmas Cards, Productivity Boosting Extensions And Do You Feel Lucky Punk?
This week we take a look how you can send Christmas Cards to friends, family, customers and employees without opting for e-cards or getting cramp in your hand from writing hundreds of cards. We also take a look at some Google Chrome extensions that can increase your productivity and whether...

How To Communicate With A Debt Collector – A Comprehensive Guide – MoneyNerd

This guide will provide you with three scripts, outlining in detail both what the debt collector will likely say and what you should respond with, arming you with the tools to confidently take action and stand your ground against debt collectors so that you cannot be forced into something you’re not comfortable with.

Debt Collectors can be clever, but with this guide, you can ensure you are a step ahead.

Watch more about how you can deal with debt collectors in a legal way (if you’re in the U.K)

25 Common Sleep Myths Debunked By Experts – People Who Sleep UK

Sleep, and it’s many (many) benefits also comes with a lot of myths. In today’s world of over-information (read: fake news) People Who Sleep are here to separate fact from fiction to help you become sleep experts (and let’s face it, get better sleep).

Discover The Best Times To Buy Tech Products – Carphone Warehouse

To shine a light on a crucial aspect of tech, Carphone Warehouse created the Taking Stock of Tech research. The campaign cross-compared a wide range of sources to explore three major aspects related to the sale of electronic products: historic prices across 8 categories of electronics, typical low-end, high-end and average prices for each category in 2020, and, crucially, the best times to buy the products to get the best prices. Read this article to find out the best time to get your next tech purchase.

What To Look For When Choosing A Monitor: A Complete Handbook – VSS Monitoring

Whether you’re building or buying, there’s a lot of specs that you need to sort through when getting a PC. Paying attention to the performance features of your desktop rig is important, but you don’t want to neglect the other pieces of equipment you’ll need. This includes your keyboard, your mouse, and of course, your monitor.

In this article, VSS Monitoring will hammer out some quick buying tips first. If you’re not up for reading so much then maybe you can find what you want to know there. The rest of the handbook will expand on the specs and features mentioned in those buying tips for those who need more info and want to learn about monitors so that they can buy the best models going into the future.

The Timebanking Definition Explained For Beginners – Nomos

Simply put, timebanking is a currency system where time replaces dollars and cents. Members of a timebank contribute hours of service in exchange for time credits that can be used for whatever services they may need and are available.

The key to a timebank is nothing more than a group of people (community) who come together in agreeance that services will be exchanged for time credits; time credits that can then be used on services from other community members. In this article nomos looks at what Timebanking is, why you need it, the benefits, and more.

Nautical Phrases Quiz – Insure4Boats

Sea Shanty TikTok is currently taking the UK by storm – but how well do you know your traditional seafaring phrases?

Phrases like chock-a-block, high and dry and at a loose end all commonly used in the English language – but most Brits have no idea they have maritime origins.

That’s according to a poll of 2,000 UK residents which identified the most popular seafaring words and sayings we use in conversation. They include at a loose end and wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole. Take the quiz now and see how good your seafaring knowledge is.

21 Benefits Of Aerobic Exercise – Fitness Apie

Aerobic exercise is an umbrella term that can be used to describe a variety of different activities. It gets its name from the word aerobic which refers to being surrounded or caused by oxygen.

As a result of the broad definition for what constitutes aerobic exercise, there are many different forms of exercise that are considered aerobic. In this article, Fitness Apie covers the different types of aerobic exercise and what the benefits are.

Types Of Malware – Parachute

A malware usually exploits unpatched software vulnerabilities to compromise an endpoint device and gain a foothold in an organization’s internal network.

It could be hidden in a malicious advertisement, fake email or illegitimate software installation. Cybercriminals often leverage social engineering tactics like phishing and spear-phishing to propagate sophisticated malware.

Guess The Film Or TV Show In The Classifieds – Admiral

Admiral have come up with a quiz that asks you to match classified ads to the movies and shows that made them famous -they’ve mocked up some car insurance quotes and have The Hoff’s Knight Rider car (currently up for auction so prospective buyers could do with some insight!), Ferris Bueller’s “borrowed” Ferrari and Harry Potter’s Ford Anglia to name a few. How did you do? Let us know in the comments.

How To Develop A Unique Brand Identity In 2021 – Visme Blog

Wondering how you can develop a unique and memorable brand identity?

In this guide put together by Visme, you’ll find everything you need when it comes to refining your brand image and improving your visual identity. They cover the importance of branding, creating a visual brand identity and give you examples so that you can understand the concepts.

How To Empower And Support Young Entrepreneurs – Finimpact

In times of economic uncertainty, it is easy to think that it is ‘impossible’ for anybody to make money. This is complete nonsense and the exact kind of thinking that new entrepreneurs should steer clear of. It is a poverty-based mindset that looks to respond defensively to conditions instead of looking for profit opportunities in all conditions.

This guide from FinImpact aims to equip the global youth with psychological tools and practical resources so they can confidently build wealth without buying into all of the drama. Saying this, the correct method through which to teach the youth psychological success principles remains a little uncertain and is most definitely not actively fostered in the schooling system.

The Eisenhower Matrix: Prioritize Your Time On What Matters Most – Slab

When you focus too much time on urgent tasks, you neglect the important ones on your to-do list. It’s easy to get stuck in this reactionary cycle where you constantly put out fires, robbing yourself of the opportunity to work toward your goals.

By distinguishing between urgent and important tasks, you can focus more time and energy on the things that matter most.

The Eisenhower Matrix helps you make that distinction and improve your time management.

Weekly Round-Up #94: Infographics Galore! Sorting Your Email Tasks Out and Visualise Your Way To Success
In this round-up we have some great infographics covering Virtual Assistants, some milestones in your working life based on your age and some surprising statistics about parental leave. We also look at how visualising can make you successful and how you can manage a remote team - phew!

In this blog post, the team at slab go over what the Eisenhower matrix is and how you can use it to increase your productivity and effectiveness.

Have A Great Week

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.


Until next time, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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