October 21, 2024

Don't Have Time For Time Management? Think Again! 4 Small Tips For Getting Big Things Done


If you’re looking for a new way to manage your tasks in a really neat visual format then DropTask may be the to-do list solution you’ve been looking for. If you feel like you’re missing something with just a simple list of tasks, add some colour to it and get productive!

Don't Have Time For Time Management? Think Again: 4 Small Tips For Getting Big Things Done
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People often think that they don’t have time for time management. Small business owners and managers commonly fall into this trap. They’re so busy being busy that they never sit down to adequately plan or even look at their to-do list. If this sounds like you, then it’s high time you acknowledged that this could be what’s standing in the way of you and your team getting ahead.

Without some form of time management, you can easily lose time on the wrong things or end up running in circles, trying to do everything all at once. Worse than that, you might even delay getting started on the big projects that count. According to cognitive psychology research by John Bargh and colleagues, your brain will attempt to ‘simulate’ productive work by avoiding heavy projects and tackling lots of menial, low-value tasks to fill your time. It cleverly tricks you into thinking that you’re super busy, but the real work that produces measurable results remains undone.

At DropTask, we’ve long been fascinated by how entrepreneurs, professionals and businesses of all sizes manage and make best use of their time. Through our observations, we’ve discovered that time management doesn’t have to be a massive burden or effort to execute. The biggest gains in productivity often come from the small investments you make – the minor tactics and habits that only take a portion of your time.


Here are four little things that you and your team can do to deliver more value in less time, pronto.

1. Carry Your Tasks With You

DropTask - Manage Your Tasks Visually

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Keep your to-dos and calendar on your smartphone or tablet, so you can access them at a moment’s notice. Unless you have superb powers of recall, trying to store numerous tasks and meetings in your working memory is a recipe for disaster. And there are inevitably going to be times when you can’t make it back to your desk or notebook to retrieve your to-dos. Take advantage of the portability technology can offer so that you’re always prepared.

DropTask is available on Android,iPhone and iPad for you to access anytime and anywhere, so there’s no excuse! The app supports real-time collaboration on tasks too, with changes automatically synced and updated while you’re on the go, guaranteeing that you’re never out of step with your colleagues.

2. Use A Template

DropTask - See Progress Simply With Task Circles

Rather than wasting time writing out your recurring activities each day, create a template which includes your most common to-do items. This ensures you don’t forget all the small odds and ends you need to do, especially when unexpected demands start to crowd out your day. Even better, create templates for your bigger initiatives as well, and you’ll avoid that overwhelming feeling that can sometimes paralyze you at the start of a new project. This is incredibly easy with DropTask’s Template feature, which allows you to set up multiple projects, break them down into standardized steps and keep track of each phase of development, from initial brainstorming and task allocation through to completion and evaluation.

3. Set Start And Due Dates For Your Task

DropTask - Detailed Task Information

Just as you set dates for meetings, make sure you set dates for getting started on tasks as well as deadlines for completing them. Don’t wait until you can ‘get around to it’, make an appointment with each important task in your calendar, so that it doesn’t slip off your radar. DropTask’s built-in Calendar allows you to schedule tasks by Start Date or Due Date, so you can really focus your attention and stay on track to meet all your major deadlines.

Identifying start and end dates forces you to realistically consider how long your tasks will take and helps you put your priorities in order. This simple trick makes time management in the workplace much easier as you can tackle the things that need to be done on a time constraint before moving on to tasks with more flexible timescales.

4. Stay Notified

DropTask - Assign People To Tasks And View Progress

Being organized saves tons of time. But you don’t need ultra-complicated systems to keep on top of your work; you can boost business efficiency simply by automating how you and your team stay informed. Notifications and reminders are great for alerting you to any note-worthy changes or looming deadlines, so you and your colleagues never miss a trick. Instead of trying to mentally and physically manage everything yourself, let DropTask track your work for you.

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Every morning, DropTask will send you a Daily Summary Email to let you know which tasks you should be working on, as well as which ones are overdue, due today, and due tomorrow. You can even set multiple reminders on important tasks so you can delegate, action or follow up as needed.

How To Get DropTask

Whether you’re working solo or with a team, these four little actions can have a BIG impact, helping you optimize your time and squeeze more out of your day.


New to DropTask? Learn more about the benefits by signing up for a free account today – just visit the DropTask Website or download the app for AndroidiPhone and iPad

Editors Note: This isn’t a sponsored post! I asked the guys at DropTask to write this article covering the great functionality that the app has as I didn’t feel I had the time to test the product fully myself and wouldn’t be able to do it justice. I love the look of the features in this app and will be certainly going through it in depth when I have some time
About The Author
Since its beta launch in 2013, DropTask has received worldwide recognition for its entirely visual approach towards task management. Having amassed over 200,000 users and reached the top spot for productivity in both the US and UK App Stores, DropTask’s powerfully engaging capability has led it to become a firm favourite for individuals and teams within organizations such as Rackspace, McDonalds, Al Jazeera and HP. DropTask is currently available for free on Web, Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad and Android, with a membership to its premium service, DropTask for Business, available from just $4.39 per month, when paid annually.
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