February 12, 2025
Add An Extra Layer Of Protection To Your Organisation With These Steps

Add An Extra Layer Of Protection To Your Organisation With These Steps


Every year a lot of businesses deal with several security threats. As a business owner, you might be concerned about protecting your organization, especially in this digital age, where approximately 155 million individuals get affected by data exposures. In 2020, around 1000 cases of data breaches were reported in the United States. That’s a huge number!

Illustration of a laptop and phone with two factor authentication
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Every year a lot of businesses deal with several security threats. As a business owner, you might be concerned about protecting your organization, especially in this digital age, where approximately 155 million individuals get affected by data exposures.

In 2020, around 1000 cases of data breaches were reported in the United States. That’s a huge number!

Business And Security Go Hand In Hand In The Digital Era

The Internet has become an integral part of our daily lives. Primarily, the businesses use it to connect with their customers emotionally and electronically. And, because the internet and data are interconnected, it is essential to take security-based precautions to sustain in the digital era and prevent any online frauds.

Therefore, if you want to keep your business safe and protected from cyber crimes and data breaches, there are some steps that you need to take to run your business smoothly. What are these steps, and how can they help you? Know about them in the information mentioned below.

Usernames And Passwords

The usernames and passwords build a unique identity online. They act as a shield and a defense against unauthorized access to your business data and information. However, several business owners believe that “admin” as a username or password will save their website from security threats. But, on the contrary, this is not true. Around 90% of the hackers reach vital information due to weak authentication. Therefore, we suggest you use your Email as a username and have a password that has:

  • At least one capital Letter,
  • Two or more special characters and numbers, and;
  • Is more than eight characters long

Virtual Cards

Virtual cards are the tools that protect consumers against any online frauds. It is a uniquely generated number that is linked to the credit card account. This association with “the best virtual cards” lets you make transactions on your credit card account without having to expose your actual card number. This is how it acts as an extra layer of protection, even if the system gets hacked.

You can easily make the transactions online or over the phone. Also, if you want to minimize the expenses, you can set up the expense limits on the virtual cards. Even if the hackers get to your virtual credit card, they cannot trace the virtual card number back to your original account.

The Admin Dashboard

Everything available on your website can be seen in the WordPress admin dashboard. Without a doubt, this is the most protected area, and the hackers find it most difficult to break through this section. But, if the hacker can access this part of the website, it can be a massive loss to your business. This is why it becomes necessary for your business to protect the admin dashboard or wp-admin directory  . For this, you can use Google authenticator and have two passwords or a third-party app.

Multi-Factor Authentication: Your New Best Friend
Despite tremendous advances in practically every aspect of computing, the humble password is still the most ubiquitous security tool out there. While companies experiment with facial recognition and fingerprint phone unlocking, it’s strings of numbers and letter that regular businesses rely on to keep

In Conclusion

As a business owner, it is totally up to you to safeguard your brand and maintain a remarkable reputation. Take out time and learn about more safety measures. Also, if you follow the steps mentioned above, you can save your organization from the most significant online threats.

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