January 18, 2025

Weekly Round-Up #99: Why Your Blocks Matter, How To Plan Your Future and How To Stop Micromanaging


In this week’s round-up we look at how blocking your time in a visual manner may make you re-evaluate your choices, how you can make better decisions and how to stop being a micromanager.

Weekly Round-Up #99 - Why Your Blocks Matter, How To Plan Your Future and How To Stop Micromanaging
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This week’s round-up looks at how you may change your priorities when you can see the bigger picture, some shiny new toys for your cubicle and why I still feel you need to be polite in emails.

34 Ways To Make Your Cubicle So Much Better – Buzzfeed

It’s getting close to Christmas so it’s time to start thinking about what you can ask Santa for (assuming you’ve been good of course!) This post from Buzzfeed has 34 great products you can use in your cubicle to make it more functional and feel like a home away from home.

How to Email – The Atlantic

Whist I do agree with some of this article (I’ll be covering some of the topics in my “Become An Email Ninja Course” I don’t think cutting out greetings or signoffs really makes that much of a difference in terms of overall email processing time. In fact it can generate even more emails – after all, you didn’t address me in the email so am I the intended recipient? Why are you being so rude, you never said hello! Any goodwill you hope to foster could be lost all for the sake of a few extra keystrokes.

100 Blocks a Day – Wait But Why

I’m a big fan of Time Boxing but sometimes it’s beneficial to look at the bigger picture, you may think twice about committing to something when you see how precious your time is.

How to Stop Procrastinating on Your Goals by Using the “Seinfeld Strategy” – James Clear

Who knew that the “father” of task chaining was actually a comedian? Editors Note: I’ve never watched Seinfeld nor seen any of his stand up so sorry if I’m not more aware or impressed!

Weekly Round-Up #250: Spice It Up In The Bedroom, Start A Podcast & How To Budget
In this week's round-up we look at how you can spice things up in the bedroom, how you can start a podcast and 5 budgeting tips that will help you build your savings.

6 Daily Habits Of Highly Productive People – Inc

There are some simple things to do that can make your day run more smoothly. These techniques aren’t rocket science but I do like to remind you every 6 months or so – that way you have no excuse for not getting things done!

Why We Micromanage and How To Stop – Go Burrows

It’s a fine balancing act managing employees: give them too much freedom and (given the wrong personality) they could take advantage and shirk, manage them too closely and you can stifle creativity and cause resentment. This great post covers the reasons behind why you may want to micromanage and how you can offer your colleagues more freedom.

The Easiest Future Planning Method You’ll Ever Use – Page Flutter

One of the things that has been holding me back from going “Full On” bullet journal is the lack of clarity around how to organise future events, and what to do when you fill up a page and can’t carry on – I like things to be together, sorry! This article from Megan at Page Flutter covers a variety of techniques for planning out your yearly events and has some great explanations on how to implement them.

6 Lies that Keep Our Homes and Lives Cluttered – Becoming Minimalist

I am a terrible hoarder – well, I prefer to call myself a “prepper” as you’ll never know when something will come in handy – but every now and then I do have a clear out, honest! As well as physical clutter there is mental clutter too and this post looks at some of the things we can minimise to make our lives better.

7 Mental Models You Should Know For Smarter Decision Making – The Next Web

When you’re trying to make a decision sometimes your instinct may be to just go with your heart rather than to sit an think it through. This fascinating article covers 7 different methods for looking at a decision to see what course of action you should take.

Weekly Round-Up #241: Egg Coffee, Disney Villains And No-Gym Workouts
This week we take a look at the newest coffee sensation - egg coffee, how Disney villains would decorate their homes in 2019 and how to get a great workout without having to go to a gym.

Here Is a New and Very Complicated Excuse for Why You’re Always Late – Science of Us

I am always late, and it would seem that I now have a rather complicated excuse for why I’m never at work on time – I’m not sure I can explain it to H.R though, I don’t really understand it myself!

Create Your Own Custom Stickers – Labeley

If you’re into planning or just want some funky sticker to put on your Christmas cards then check out Labeley. It lets you design labels in a variety of shapes and then share them via social media or email, or have them custom printed for a reasonable fee (I’m not sure what international shipping from the U.S would be so bear that in mind when ordering).


Have A Great Weekend

Don’t forget to check back in next Friday for a special 100th Edition of the Weekly Round-up!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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