Weekly Round-Up #47 – My Pick of Udemy Online Learning Courses With Black Friday Discounts
Black Friday’s nearly upon us and in this post I round up some of the best Udemy courses for Personal Development, Stress Management, Productivity and Motivation – some with up to 95% off the normal course price! Be quick though, every day the offer changes!

I’m changing things up a bit in this week’s weekly round-up and I’m bringing you a round up of my pick of courses from the online learning network Udemy.
Disclaimer: Udemy contacted me and asked if I’d like to advertise their fantastic Black Friday deals to my readers and after checking out some of the courses I thought it’d be something that you guys would find interesting. The links below are affiliate links (we’ve all got to make a living right?!) but I’ve picked these courses myself as ones I think you’ll find most useful across different categories.
I’ve put the standard cost against each course but the Udemy Black Friday deals change every day and the sooner you get in the more you save! The deal schedule is:
11/20 – $11 | 11/24 – $14 |
11/21 – $11 | 11/25 – $14 |
11/22 – $12 | 11/26 – $15 |
11/23 – $12 | 11/27 – $15 |
So the sooner you sign up the more you save! You don’t just have to be in the US either, the courses run worldwide and you can save too!
So, here are the courses I think you should take a look at – and save a bundle on too!
Personal Development Courses
Mini Habit Mastery: The Scientific Way To Change Your Habits
Brief Description: Learn how to always overcome resistance, take action, succeed every day, and make changes that last.
- Over 40 lectures and 4 hours of content!
- Have a blast and learn a lot of highly-useful information that can change your life
- See why habits are the framework of every person’s life, and the most impactful way to change your life
- Find out why almost all popular habit formation strategies are “dead in the water”
- Understand why people naturally make their bad habits unstoppable while making good habits impossible to form.
Pre-Black Friday Price: $149
The Freedom to Choose Something Different by Pema Chödrön
Brief Description: Learn how to find freedom, relaxation and change your habitual response patterns.
- Over 21 lectures and 9.5 hours of content!
- Achieve freedom from your habitual response patterns
- Transform your habits, addictions, and behaviors
- Discover the value of your imperfections in the process of spiritual growth
Pre-Black Friday Price: $147
The Power of Positive Thinking – Develop a Positive Mindset
Brief Description: Boost your confidence & self esteem. Become charismatic. Positive mindset. Motivation. Inspiration. Conquer negativity.
- Over 34 lectures and 4 hours of content!
- Develop a positive mindset
- Destroy your limiting beliefs
- See positive side of any situation
Pre-Black Friday Price: $99
Productivity Courses
Get Stuff Done – Productivity Hacks for Entrepreneurs
Brief Description: Triple Your Productivity With Simple, Easy to Follow Tips and Tricks That I’ve Used to Publish 72+ Books in 3.5 Years!
- Over 31 lectures and 1.5 hours of content!
- Discover ways to free up more time in your workday.
- Find out how to supercharge your productivity with simple steps.
Pre-Black Friday Price: $49
How to be uncommonly productive using Evernote
Brief Description: Real life tips from a business professional on how to be highly productive using Evernote: from basic to pro in 3 hours
- Over 34 lectures and 2 hours of content!
- Organize all aspects of their life and will be able to handle any information life brings your way.
- Move from basic user of Evernote to a pro
- Be able to handle information overflow
- What is the target audience?
Pre-Black Friday Price: $199
Motivation Courses
Motivation Mastery: Easily Find Motivation to Achieve Goals
Brief Description: Motivation Techniques to Quickly Find Motivation & Stay Motivated to Have the Life You Want
- Over 19 lectures and 1.5 hours of content!
- Decide, Prioritize & Correctly Formulate Goals
- Discover the Core Motivations Behind Your Goals so You Can Become Motivated easily to Achieve Your Goals
Pre-Black Friday Price: $99
Smart Goal Setting: How to Create The Future You Want Today
Brief Description: Smart Goal Setting: How to Create The Future You Want Today
Goal Setting & My Unique Daily Planner will set you on the path to success and cause you to become a Super Achiever!
- Over 26 lectures and 8.5 hours of content!
- Be in control of your own future
- Drive your life in the direction you want it to go
Pre-Black Friday Price: $97
Self-Esteem & Social Interaction Courses
Double Your Confidence & Self Esteem – Complete Blueprint
Brief DescriptionL: Confidence. Self Esteem. Social Skills. Social Success. Social & Inner Confidence. Body Language. Charisma. Influence.
- Over 53 lectures and 5 hours of content!
- Develop Your Inner Confidence
- Become Perceived as a Confident Person
- Start Believing in Yourself
Pre-Black Friday Price: $299
Social Skills – Boost your social skills in 30 minutes
Brief Description: Social Skills – Learn to approach anyone! Boost your social skills.
- Over 9 lectures and 43 mins of content!
- learn to approach with compliments
- learn to approach by introducing yourself
- learn to approach by asking questions
Pre-Black Friday Price: £46\
Small Talk Networking: How to Talk To Anyone
Brief Description: Networking and Small Talk: Learn to Talk to Anyone. Become Social, Great at Relationships and Approaching Strangers.
- Over 16 lectures and 1.5 hours of content!
- By the end of this course, you will be able to talk to anyone with ease.
- In this course you will learn how to start a conversation with ease, facilitate and maintain the flow of a conversation, interpret body language and other non verbal communication forms and exit a conversation gracefully with a way to keep in touch.
Pre-Black Friday Price: $299
Career Courses
Career Hacking: Resume/CV, LinkedIn, Interviewing, +More
Brief Description: Hacks for your resume/CV & cover letter, personal branding on LinkedIn, professional networking, interviewing, and more
- Over 104 lectures and 5.5 hours of content!
- Prepare keyword-rich, targeted resumes that get results.
- Present themselves powerfully on LinkedIn® and separate themselves from other professionals.
Pre-Black Friday Price: $249
How to Handle Difficult People
Brief Description: Struggling to deal with a difficult person at work and it’s affecting your career? This course teaches you what to do.
- Over 13 lectures and 58 mins of content!
- Spot when you are behaving emotionally and becoming unreasonable.
- Pause before making a rash decision to confront or withdraw.
- Structure a professional conversation to get the key issues out for discussion without generating animosity or ill feeling.
Pre-Black Friday Price: $26
Leadership Courses
Leadership Qualities: Embody The 6 Qualities Of A Leader
Brief Description: Learn The Most Effective Six Leadership Qualities And Be A Transformational Leader Who Will Lead Tribes
- Over 27 lectures and 1.5 hours of content!
- Communicate Your Requests To Your Team
- Request Specific Things From Your Boss
- Show Up More Confident On Networking Events
Pre-Black Friday Price: $299
Successful Leadership: A workshop for the modern leader
Brief Description: Become a more effective leader by developing an empathic leadership style
- Over 6 lectures and 43 mins of content!
- … be aware of bad leadership habits and how to avoid them
- … use empathy as the key to succesfully leading a team
- … apply 5 easy techniques that will help to develop an empathic leadership style and evolve it to fit your personality
Pre-Black Friday Price: $19
Stress Management Courses
Relaxation Techniques to Release Office Stress
Brief Description: Learn to relax, relieve stress, back pain, headache, stiff neck, wrist pain and improve energy level and immune system.
- Over 36 lectures and 1.5 hours of content!
- Better energy circulation
- Ability to relieve tension areas
- Stronger immune system
Pre-Black Friday Price: $39
Retrain Your Brain: Stress Management; the Scientific Guide
Brief Description: For anxiety, panic attacks, stress, health anxiety, social anxiety, confidence & self esteem
- Over 26 lectures and 2.5 hours of content!
- Remove self limiting beliefs that stop you from reaching your potential
- Manage stress, anxiety and nerves in situations that are difficult
- Learn to ‘let go’ of thoughts in your head
Pre-Black Friday Price: $79
Over to you
Are there any Udemy Courses you’d recommend to readers of this blog? How do you get along with online courses – do they work for you or is face to face better? Let us know in the comments!