Weekly Round-Up #26: Notebooks Rule! The end to procrastination? And know how to motivate yourself massively!


Hey you guys! It’s almost the weekend again and I have a great selection of posts in my weekly round-up. Check in to see how to get over procrastination, how notebooks are fantastic – even in a paperless society – and what to do if you think you’re being overwhelmed, Have a great weekend!

Weekly Round-Up - Cowboy Lassoing Text
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I hope the weekend finds you well. This week as been quite a busy one for me as I helped out at a local village fete which was hit by torrential rain – what fun! You can checkout my Instagram account feed for a view of typical English summer weather!

This week I’ve put together less articles than I normally do as I think the last one really deserves your attention so sit down, relax and enjoy!

How to Use a Simple Pocket Notebook to Improve Your Life – The Simple Dollar

I love notebooks. In fact I went at and bought a tonne of them the other week at Staples because they were on sale (and I love a bargain too!). My notebook of choice is a Moleskin as I love how hardwearing it is but you can use whatever suits you. This post from “The Simple Dollar” has some great ideas if you’re a fan of the notebook like me!


Hat Tip: Lifehacker

15 Productivity Hacks For Procrastinators – Lifehack

We all have a love/hate relationship with procrastination. This article gives you 15 simple tips you can use to help (trick) yourself out of your procrastination funk.

Weekly Round-Up #277: Brand Management, Train Your Dog & Stretching Tips
This week we take a look at how you can start a YouTube channel, 127 ways you can train your dog and why stretching is so important (and why you're probably doing it wrong.

What to do when you’re completely overwhelmed – Freelancer’s Union

One of the chief causes of procrastination is that we feel as though we have too much on so end up staring at everything like a rabbit in headlights. Freelancer’s Union has some tips on how to break out of the feeling of being overwhelmed and get back to feeling like you’re on top of everything.

How to Motivate Yourself to Do Virtually Anything – 99 Smart Ideas!

For our final round-up item grab yourself a large mug of coffee and a comfortable chair – you’ll need them for this mammoth article!

Camilla over at 99 Smart Ideas! has written a fantastic post that covers every aspect of motivating you to achieve your goals. And when I say “every aspect”, I mean every aspect!

Weekly: Round-Up #198: Don’t Say Like, How To Buy A Supercar and Scary Songs
This week we look at why filler words are a problem and how you can stop saying them, what you'll need to give up in order to buy the car of your dreams and which country has the scariest lullaby!

Broken up into 19 simple-to-read, easy to understand and easily achievable sections there’s plenty to digest. There’s also an e-book version available so you can read the article on your commute if you’d prefer!

Have a great weekend!

I hope you find the above articles useful. If you have an article you think my readers will be interested in, please Contact Me and don’t forget to sign up to my newsletter for exclusive content and access to my free e-books!


See you next week – have a relaxing weekend!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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