January 10, 2025

Weekly Round-Up #25 – You're getting David Allen all wrong, Master your emails, Daily meetings anyone? And make your phone more productive


Happy Weekend! In this weekly round-up we take a look at why David Allen can drink wine at 10.27am and not feel guilty about doing nothing, how to get those emails of yours under control, 20 ways to create a positive change in your life and how to be productive while working on a big project.

Weekly Round-Up - Cowboy Lassoing Text
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Hello! And happy (almost) weekend. The summer is truly upon us here in the U.K although I’m sure it will be raining cats and dogs on Saturday as it’s our local fete and I’ll be standing outside all day!

Sunday marks the longest day of the year and from then on the nights will start drawing in so make the most of the sun (if you have any!) and have a nice relaxing time time in the garden reading the useful articles I’ve hand-picked for you below.

The Father of “Getting Things Done”: You’re getting me all wrong – Fast Company

Apparently we need to learn to do nothing, so says David Allen at least. Well, either do nothing or drink wine at 10.27am!

Hat tip: NYMag.com

5 Ways to Stop Email From Taking Over Your Day – Personal Finance Cheat Sheet

Email and your morning coffee don’t mix apparently! Check out this article which gives you five simple tips on how to manage your email and makes sure they don’t manage you.

Recommended: 15 minutes of fame?

15 minutes of fame?
Well the magazine I’m supposed to be featured in is out to day – I...

Why daily meetings aren’t a complete waste of time – Fortune

Longtime readers will know that I have a love/hate relationship with meetings. This post promotes the fact that daily meetings are actually a good thing. I think I’ll need more convincing of that before I agree!

3 tools that techies are using to boost productivity – Mashable

Points one and two are nothing new to a lot of people but point 3 give an interesting tip on how to automate your iPhone or Android to make you (and your phone) more productive.

11 Differences Between Busy People And Productive People – Lifehack

Are you busy? Or are you productive? There is a fine line between the two and this article discussing some of the things you may be doing that make you think you’re being productive when you’re not.

Weekly Round-Up #35 – Spring Cleaning in the Autumn, Does Work-Life Balance Exist and How To Have A Great Evening
This week we look at some great advice on how you can make your evenings more productive and relaxing, why "spring" cleaning doesn't have to be done in the spring and whether work-life balance actually exists - or is needed.

The top 10 productivity lessons I learned writing an 80,000-word book in 6 months – A Life Of Productivity

Whilst you may not be writing an 80,000 word book, there are some projects that require the same level of planning and effort. This article by Chris Bailey has 10 great tips on being productive and motivated during a big project.

20 Small Ways to Break Out of Your Comfort Zone and Create a Positive Change Starting Today – The Positivity Blog

20 small tips that can change your life, and the lives of those around you too.


Have A Great Weekend!

Next week the newest issue of my newsletter will be coming out with exclusive content not available on the blog. Sign up now so you don’t miss out!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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