Weekly Round-Up #18 – Work-Life Balance, Note taking and playing with kitties


This week we look at how you can take better notes, balance your work-life and play with cats on the internet!

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Hello, and welcome to the weekend! Here in the U.K we have another long weekend thanks to the early May bank holiday – and before you complain “But you’ve just had a Bank Holiday, Katy!” England actually have hardly any national holidays compared to other countries. So, sit back and enjoy some links I’ve put together for a relaxing and informative read this weekend.

Working hours around the world: Does work-life balance exist? – Mashable

Don’t have a Bank Holiday this weekend? Then see how your coutry stacks up against others in terms of working hours and how satisifed people are. Is your country listed? Do you agree with the satisfiaction percentage? Let us know in the comments.

This Simple Psychological Trick Can Make You Feel More Productive – Entrepreneur

Got an hour to spare? Then use it wisely! Read this article so that you feel happier and more productive than ever.

The Ultimate Guide To Note-Taking [Infographic] – Lifehack

Did you know you should review your notes within 9 hours of taking them or you’ll have forgotten what 60% of them mean? If you take a lot of notes, check out this infographic to read up on how to up your notetaking game.

10 Simple Habits That Might Just Change Your Life – Living Well Spending Less

Set cues, a routine and reward yourself with these 10 tips for leading a more fulfilling life.

Weekly Round-Up #280: YouTube, Plants & Funny Farms
This week we take a look at how to become a YouTuber (and actually make money), what you should be planting in your garden and when you should plant it and, keeping with the outdoors theme, we have 51+ funny farms names to cheer you up this weekend.

Science Says You Should Leave Work at 2 p.m. and Go for a Walk – Mother Jones

Apparently Charles Dickens used to take a walk at 2pm every day. Sometimes he didn’t even stop until he’d gone 30 miles! This article isn’t suggesting that you go that far, but it does cover the idea that breaks (whether it be a quick 5 minutes while using the Pomodoro Technique or a longer walk) help you to regain focus and become more productive.

3 ways to boost e-mail productivity in 2015 – Fortune

Email is such a time suck, and we’re always connected to it so it’s difficult to get away from it. This article covers some different options you can use instead of relying just one email.

Weekly Round-Up #258: Don’t Work In Bed, Be Productive At Home & Stop Being Hard On Yourself
This week we take a look at all things working from home, from why you shouldn't work in your bed to what desk you should be using. We also take a look at cognative distortion (with a slant towards music production) -what is it and what can you do about...

How To Get Organized: 2 Solutions From Philosophy And Kindergarten – Barking Up The Wrong Tree

Being disorganised costs us both time and money. This article covers some of the ways you can be more organised and not stress out too much if you’re not.

How I stopped my smartphone from ruining my life – New Worker

Are you one of the 67% of people who check their phone for notifications even if you haven’t heard or felt it go off? See how this journalist fairs when she tries to cut down her phone usage.


Productivity OVER: Play with a cat on the Internet right now – The Daily Share

Yes, you read that right! You can play with a cat over the internet! Goodbye Productivity, hello kitty!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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