February 17, 2025

Weekly Round-Up #153: Time Management, Sleep Better And Cheer Your Mate Up


This week we discuss how you can manage your time better, how to cheer someone up and how to sleep naturally.

Weekly Round-Up #153: Time Management, Sleep Better And Cheer Your Mate Up
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Welcome to this week’s round-up. This week we discuss how you can manage your time better, how to cheer someone up and how to sleep naturally.

Do You Really Understand Your Credit Rating? – Money Pod

This quiz is a bit UK-centric but anyone who is interested in their finances should check it out to see what your credit score knowledge it (Full disclosure: I got one wrong!). You credit score is important for a whole host of reasons and there are plenty of places you can check your credit score for free (USA readers check here)- it’s really important to keep an eye on your credit score to check people aren’t attempting to set up loans or other finance agreements without your knowledge.

Zenkit For Android Released – Zenkit

I wrote about Zenkit way back in Round-Up #105 when the app was still in beta (and only available on iOS). The Zenkit team got in touch with me to let me know that Zenkit it now available for Android as well – with some great features.

Zenkit allows you to set up your calendars and to-dos in a variety of formats so you can have them in date, list or Kanban view, upload files and images and access everything offline too.

50 Ways To Cheer Someone Up When They Need A Smile – Shari’s Berries

Did you know that there are 7 molecules in your brain that are responsible for positive emotions? Did you also know there are ways to trigger some of them to make other people (and yourself) feel happier? If you want to perk someone up then check out Shari Berries 50 tips for cheering those around you up.

The 25+ Best Gmail Add-Ons, Labs, And Apps – Zapier

If you’re looking to get your Gmail inbox into shape then check out Zapier’s great round-up of the best Gmail Add-ons, labs and app integrations. I’m a big fan of the Multiple Inboxes Lab which allows me to see my standard inbox and then track all of my starred (important emails) in one place.

The Email Parser Guide: How To Automatically Copy Data From Your Emails – Zapier

Regular readers will know I usually try to avoid two links from the same source in a round-up but I thought that, as we’re already discussing email and the best add-ons and automations, this article on how to get data out of your emails automagically would be a great addition to the Gmail add-ons you may decide to use.

You can integrate Zapier with several email providers and get information straight out of your emails and into spreadsheets or other compatible apps enabling you to speed up processing of emails and make your life a little easier.

If You Don’t Know What To Do With Your Life, Read This – Lifehack

We’re often told that successful people have a plan (usually from an early age) that marks out each step of their lives and careers, but what happens if you don’t have a clue about what you want to do or where you want to be? This article from Lifehacker gives you some things to think about when it comes to your “life plans” and lets you know it’s okay not to have something set in stone.

Faulty Time Management Skills Lead To Lack Of Sleep – Oswego County Today

If you’re stuggling with sleep, it may not be down to a coffee just before bedtime or insomnia – it could all be down to your time management skills. While this article deals with students, I think that the contents is quite relevant to anyone who is struggling to sleep.

Lack of sleep causes a whole host of health issues and the reason you might not be getting enough may be down to your time management rather that physical or mental factors.

5 Time Management Tips From Successful Founders – Al Dia News

How do you read at least one book a week on your commute? By listening to it at triple speed apparently! Learn 4 other ingenious tips from entrepreneurs covering relationship building and how best to communicate with clients and co-workers.

Time Management: If Scheduling Causes You Conflict, Maybe You’re On “Event Time” – Quartz

Regular readers will know that I am terrible with my time keeping. It’s not intentional (honest!), it’s just that time seems to run away with me sometimes, and apparently that might not be my fault. Instead of operating on “normal” time, I may actually be working on “event” time instead.

Reading this article, I do see a lot of myself in the “event” time scenario which is highly amusing as I love watches (I have over 40 – guess I don’t need to buy any more!)

How To Work Fewer Hours And Get More Done (Yes, It’s Possible) – 10 News (WBIR)

There a variety of tips in this article covering email, (virtual) assistants, the cloud and more. If you’re looking for a way to maximise your time and make your day more productive then, according to 10 News, it is possible with a bit of tecnology and minor changes to the way you work.

7 Reasons To Be Thankful For Clutter – The Order Expert

We’re constantly being told that having a clutter-free home is the ultimate state to aim for so it’s nice to read that the “stuff” I keep around the house can serve some useful purpose in terms of happy reminders.

Plus, how many times have you thrown something away that you’ve kept for years only to realise you have a use for it a few days after it’s gone in the trash….? Please tell me it’s not just me! Leave me a note in the comments so I know I’m not the only one!

17 Inexpensive Products That’ll Make Your Journal Even More Awesome – Buzzfeed

“Journaling” is all the rage these days – particularly Bullet journaling (not sure what that is? Download my beginners guide below). I’ve been bullet journaling before bullet journaling was even a thing (I started in 2005 and wrote about it in 2007 so I am the Daddy of this, I just didn’t give it a catchy name okay?!). Anyway, enough bitterness, this Buzzfeed post has some lovely things you can add to your journal to make it gorgeous and practicle.

How To Sleep Better Naturally – Tips And Tricks To Help You Sleep Better! – Recommondo

If you’re struggling to get to sleep and aren’t a fan of taking sleeping pills or other prescribed medication then there are some natural ways you can help yourself get to sleep more quickly and easily – I’m intrigued by the wedge pillow but I’m not sure whether it’s too big or not (if you’ve tried it, let me know your thoughts in the comments).

Master Your Time With The Only Annual Motivational Clock – Motiano

We’re constantly reminded that there are only 24 hours in a day or 10080 minutes in a week (well, okay, no one has reminded me of that recently), and we’re often at a loss to explain where all our time has gone despite our love of time tracking.

How about experiencing time at a different perspective with a clock that takes a whole year to go around – it may help you appreciate where your time goes!

Have A Great Weekend

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next week, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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