February 11, 2025

Weekly Round-Up #120: Burnout, Google's New Keyboard and Genius Bullet Journal Hacks


Welcome to this week’s round-up. In this edition we learn how to use Google’s new keyboard, how to tell if you’re stressed and the impacts of employee burnout.

Weekly Round-Up 120: Burnout, Google's New Keyboard and Genius Bullet Journal Hacks
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Welcome to this week’s round-up. In this edition we learn how to use Google’s new keyboard, how to tell if you’re stressed and the impacts of employee burnout.

23 Bullet Journal Ideas That Are Borderline Genius – Buzzfeed

I’ll be writing a series on bullet journalling soon but to keep your fix sated until then here’s 23 ways to hack your bujo – I really like the second suggestion about breaking your days up into time periods as I think it makes your tasks a lot clearer and more manageable.

8 Fancy Hand-Lettering Ideas That Are Actually Easy – Buzzfeed

I don’t usually link to the same website twice in a round-up but I thought I’d make an exception this week as this great inforgraphic links up perfectly with the Bullet Journalling Link above.

I used to have lovely handwriting – when I was a kid we were tought calligraphy, in fact I wasn’t allowed to write in biro in school until I was about 14 (Fountain Pens FTW!) Now as handwriting is becoming more obsolete it’s sometimes important to remind ourselves that writing can be pretty – and it’s not necessarily that difficult.

Tips And Tricks To Master Gboard, Google’s Super Smart Android Keyboard – GreenBot

My keyboard’s just updated to the new GBoard version – and I find the emoji suggestions for what I’m typing hillarious. There’s more tools available though than being able to find a thumbs up symbol quickly – you can easily translate text, integrated search and much more.

All The Clutter And Extra Stuff In Your House Is Making You Miserable – Scary Mommy

According to this article “The average American Household has 300,000 items in it”. I’m sure there are more in the Average English household thanks to our love of thimbles, teapots and anything with the Queen’s face on it. Anyway, it’s all making us feel really dperessed and we all need to have a good clear out. I’ve managed to do half of one room and I already feel a lot better…. only 3 wardrobes and 4 dressers to go!

Employee Burnout Is a Problem with the Company, Not the Person – Harvard Business Review

Stress is one of the biggest causes of workplace abscence. It can mannifest itself in many ways but it will certainly leave workers feeling burnt out and severly lacking in motivation. HBR has some interesting facts in their articles including the cost to the organisation, as well as some remedies to make your employees feel less stressed and frustated.

7 Blatant Signs That Stress Is Throwing You Off Your A-Game – Inc

If you’re not sure if you’re suffering from burnout or stress then please give this post from Inc a read. It gives you some pointers of what to look for in yourself (or others) that may inedicate stress. If you feel that you are stressed, please go and see a healthcare professional or counsellor – leaving it bottled up will only make it worse in the long run.

4 Ways to Make Sure You Schedule an Appointment into Your Calendar – The Order Expert

There’s no point having a fantastic planner or calendar (or a really neat way to print your Google Calendar in Pocket-Sized Format) if you don’t add your tasks to it. The Order Expert has some tips for you but personally if I don’t have direct access to my calendar I’ll note the item on a bit of paper and then add it as soon as I get in to the house – I have a routine where I put my keys into their pot and then grab all my notes and calendar items and write them down there and then so I don’t forget.

13 Windows Diagnostics Tools to Check Your PC’s Health – MakeUseOf

A slow or struggling computer can really hamper your productivity. Just this evening I lost an hour of productivity time because my PC refused to connect to my router. To help ease the frustration and keep your computer running at optimum levels this post has a variety of software that can help.

GTDNext – GTDNext App

If you’re a fan of Getting Things Done, or are in need of a task management app then take a look at GTDNext. You’re able to organise tasks by projects and sub projects and add tags. The free version limits you to “Up to 200 projects and actions” but that should be more than adequate for most users.

Automate That S*!@ – ATS

The guys at ATS are providing some great tools to save you time and increase your produtivity – I wish I had known about the website screenshot option when was putting together my list of 100+ Productivity Blogs you need to read and if you don’t see what you need you can request a custom solution too.

The Most Motivated States – CashNetUSA

If you’re in the United States, check out this interactive map by CashNetUSA. It allows you to see how motivated each state is based on a variety of factors such as vegetable consumption, exercise levels and more.

Flipping Heck Productivity Questionnaire

There’s still time to join in the Flipping Heck reader survey. Answer a few simple questions and you could win an $15 Amazon Gift Card! You can read the small legal terms here.

Have A Great Week

If you have any suggestions for articles you’d like me to share then please feel free to contact me – until next time, Stay Productive!

Featured Image: Burnout by Geralt on Pixabay

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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