Help Improve FlippingHeck.Com & Have A Chance To Win A $15 Amazon Voucher


Would you like a say in upcoming content on Flipping Heck – and a chance to win a $15 Amazon Voucher? Answer our supershort questionnaire to help shape the future of this website!

Help FlippingHeck - 2017 Reader Survey
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I recently ran a survey in my newsletter asking what my readers would be interested in seeing more of and the top two answers were….. (drumroll please!)

  1. Bullet Journalling For Beginners
  2. More Printables/Downloads

In order to know exactly what you want I’ve set up a very short Google Forms Survey to ask you what it is about those two subjects that you would like to know more about.

How You Can Help Flipping Heck

Simply visit the following page and fill out the survey – it’ll take less than 5 minutes, honest!

2015: A Year In Review And A Look Forward to 2016
I take a look back at my 2015 - both on and off the blog and let you know what's changing in 2016

Click Here For The Flipping Heck Productivity Survey

An Added Bonus For You

If you leave your name and email address you’ll be entered into a draw to win a $15 Amazon voucher – hey, you could use it to get your Bullet Journal off the ground!

Take The Flipping Heck Productivity Survey

The Mini Legal Bit
This draw will also be advertised on my newsletter and social media. Only one entry per email address will go into the draw to win the voucher. If you are not in the U.S and would prefer an alternative Amazon Currency I will endeavour to provide it for you at the closest value to $15 U.S.D but it may not be possible in all cases in that case the U.S Amazon Voucher stands. No cash alternative is available.

Merry Christmas And A Happy & Productive 2018
Christmas greetings from the team.

All entries must be in by Midnight (B.S.T) on Sunday 23rd April. The draw will take place on Monday 17th April. Any entries made after the closing date may not be counted

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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