Weekly Round-Up #2 – T-Shirts, Email and something to do with tomatoes?

Welcome to the round-up of links I’ve found interesting this week on the interweb. In this issue, we teach you to adult
25 Tutorials To Teach You To Fold Things Like An Actual Adult – Buzzfeed
Whoever invented fitted sheets needs to be both congratulated and smacked upside the head. How can something so easy to use be so difficult to fold? This article teaches you how to control those unruly sheets as well as t-shirts and more.
Speaking of t-shirts…..
How to organise your t-shirt drawer
I have a silly amount of t-shirts… Er…. look!
(By the way, that’s just one draw of 4… yes I said FOUR!)
Using the tutorial on folding in the above link let me learn to fold my shirts like a pro, but it was only watching the following video that gave me to the idea of organising them by colour.
Since doing this I’ve found that I wear more of my shirts rather than just the same ones over and over again (after being washed…. else eeeew!). It’s so much easier to grab a shirt you want after thinking “I’m in a blue mood” or “I fancy a rude logo today”.
For more info of how to get your t-shirt draw sorted see
- How to organize your t-shirts – OrgJunkie
- Some really together people on Pintrest make me jealous
- Bella Organising is my spirit animal in terms of t-shirt sorting
Write better emails – Mashable
In a couple of weeks I’m going to be looking at emails, how to manage them and whether they are a business tool that continues into the future or the spawn of Satan but until then, check out this Mashable article that gives you 10 steps to writing better emails. Pro Tip – DON’T RAMBLE!
Use the Pomodoro Technique to be productive – Business Insider
I’m really surprised this technique passed me by! Use the Pomodoro Technique to focus in quick, sort bursts for maximum productivity. I really need to look into this as, due to some health problems, I really struggle to sit down for more than 45 minutes at a time. As this splits everything up into 25 minute chunks it may be ideal for me.
Check out the official Pomodoro website here.
Get rid of your home internet to become productive – Inside Higher Ed
I’m not too sure about this one. As someone who has just come back from from an enforced 10-day absence from home internet I can’t see that I could personally do what I do for work without a connection at home. However, for those of you who use the internet as a leisure tool rather than a means to make money maybe this may make sense?
Top CEOs Productivity Tips – Stuff.co.nz
There’s a few good tidbits in this article. I particularly agree with the first one on the list being to colour code your calendar.
Next week I’m going to be looking at calendars and the one main take-away I have is that setting colours for different types of events (rather than different calendars) is the way forward. But I guess you’ll have to subscribe to my RSS feed or come back on Monday to find out my tips! Oh, and if you subscribe, you get a free copy of my Managing Meetings e-book – wow!
Have a great and relaxing weekend!
I hope you enjoyed this weeks’ round-up. If there are any news stories, apps, books or websites you think I should be checking out please drop me a line – I always love to hear from you guys.