February 12, 2025

Weekly Round-Up #24 – Watches that can help you be smart, the procrastination loop and how good evenings lead to good mornings


This weekly round-up looks at how smart watches can help you be more productive, how to stop procrastinating, being a superhero at work and tips and tricks for a good night and great morning.

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Happy Friday everyone! I hope this weekend finds you well. In this weekly round up we look at how smart watches can actually be smart, how you can be a superhero at work and a couple interesting articles on how you can sleep better and create better mornings.

How My Smart Watch Saves Me An Hour A Day – eBestSmartWatches

Smart watches are still a relatively new technology and have yet (I think) to find a place as a productivity game changer but Yonathan over at eBestSmartWatches.com has already figured out a way to save an hour a day just with his smart watch. Thats one whole extra hour you could be using to sit and watch Netflix instead of fiddling with your phone!

6 Superhero Secrets to Boost Productivity in the Workplace – Snack Nation

Want to be a superhero? You can – in the workplace at least! Snack Nation takes a look at increasing workplace productivity with an interesting superhero slant so if you want to your office Spider-Man or run around yelling “I’m Batman” (although maybe not too loudly!) check out their post.

The Procrastination Doom Loop—and How to Break It – The Atlantic

There’s a new school of thought that thinks procrastination in no longer about poor time management abilities and more about our actual emotions relating to the subject we’re putting off. This article looks at how you can end up in a cycle of procrastination and how to get out of it.

9 Simple and Effective Tips on How to Sleep Better – Home Arena

Have you thought about breathing through your left nostril as a way of getting to sleep? Or how about the fact that you shouldn’t write a to-do list before bed? Home Area has 9 great in-depth tips to help you fall asleep and sleep better.

The Evening Routines Of Successful People – Fast Company

As well as the tips from Home Arena, why not take a leaf from these famous people and their evening routines.

How to Create a Morning Routine That Works for You – Living Well Spending Less

After a good nights sleep why ruin it with a bad experience in the morning? This post helps you organise your mornings and get a routine in place to help everything run smoothly.

5 Morning Rituals to Keep You Productive All Day Long – Entrepreneur

And, as well as having a good routine, it’s important to be doing the right things in the morning such as doing 7 minutes of exercise – yes, that’s right seven!

Have a great weekend!

If there are any interesting articles you think that my readers would like to see, drop us a line in the comments or contact me.

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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