January 14, 2025
The Pathway To Achieving Healthy Hair

The Pathway To Achieving Healthy Hair


Long, flowing glorious tresses! Who doesn’t dream of such a crowning glory? They say your hair is one such crown that you never take off, unless you start losing it when things go all downhill. It all starts with hair breakage and often the root of the problem seems to be dandruff or a scalp that receives less or inappropriate amount of moisture for things to blossom the right way.

The Pathway To Achieving Healthy Hair
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Long, flowing glorious tresses! Who doesn’t dream of such a crowning glory?

They say your hair is one such crown that you never take off, unless you start losing it when things go all downhill. It all starts with hair breakage and often the root of the problem seems to be dandruff or a scalp that receives less or inappropriate amount of moisture for things to blossom the right way.

Considering the fact how medical science has taken a leap in restoring hair, there seems to be less found confidence in advanced cosmetic procedures once the damage done is irreplaceable. So, a natural method always holds the ground right. While all that being said, the challenges to achieve such a stature don’t come easy for everyone. Some people are blessed with great hair and some are not. For the latter, it is increasingly important to know what all you can do to help protect your hair in the best manner possible.

Here’s a quick read on nine such best known practises which shall ensure the best for your hair, no matter who you are or what you do! Read on to find out more.

Trust lemons

Lemons are a rich source of Vitamin C which contributes to the production of collagen which in turn boosts hair growth at great rate. It’s the acidic nature of lemons that help tighten the follicles and clean and unclog it as well. Such practises also help keep issues like dandruff and hair breakage at bay. Also, lemon carries anti fungal properties that contribute to maintain general scalp health and control the production of oil across scalp. If you are using hair colours, it’s quite common that one has to deal with brittle and dry hair. A few drops of lemon can help reverse the situation, nice and easy. At times, you might consider massaging your hair with a little bit of lemon as this will impart great natural smell and increased softness. If you have never considered lemons for great hair, it’s probably a good idea to start now!

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Akin to human skin, human scalp also requires moisturizing. As advocated by many trichologists, fatty acids are seemingly the best source of moisture for ones’ scalp. As such, one has to choose from a host of best ayurvedic hair oil products like Amla hair oil and flaxseed oil which are rich in fatty acids and are known and believed to do wonders for one’s scalp and hair in tandem. One of the primary fatty acids is omega-3 which is a rich source of moisture and when imbibed regularly can offer great benefits in the long run!

Natural Hair Masks

Eggs, curd and banana are a great source of natural hair masks. While eggs contain fatty acids both banana and curd adds to the volume and lustre. Such masks can be prepared easily once a week at home all by yourself and apply the mix to wet hair only. New to hair masks? Don’t be scared. A few times of preparing one will give you hands on expertise for sure!

Cleaning with a twist

Apart from moisturizing one’s scalp, cleaning of your hair is also an essential step towards achieving great hair. While most resort to shampoos for cleaning needs, adding a few drops of any essential oils lather up to a great cleaning agent for your tresses. While you are at it, don’t forget to dilute the shampoo in equal proportion to lessen the harshness of chemicals being used. Alternately, you can opt for a complete ayurvedic oil and shampoo. The whole cleaning process leaves your hair smelling great and imparts equally great hygiene.

Maintaining the pH level

A clean and healthy scalp is absolutely essential for optimum hair growth. However, not many are aware of the pH level which also needs to be maintained if you desire a ahead full of shiny and good looking hair. Here’s how to go about it. Take a solution containing 2 parts of lukewarm water and mix the same with 1 part of apple cider vinegar. The mixture is a perfect cleaning agent and easily scrubs your scalp of the excess dirt, oil and any unwanted particles to restore the natural pH level.

Eggs are Epic

That’s right! Eggs stand as a timeless cure for hair related problems and there’s not much you can’t do without it. For starters, it is a protein rich source for hair follicles which when applied evenly and in regular intervals avoid hair from breakage, which normally happens due to multiple styling techniques that involves pulling and twisting of hair. Try adding an egg to any hair mask that you wish to prepare yourself at home.

Regular trimming

Always take to regular trimming of your hair to help ease issues like split ends which again contributes to hair breakage at random. Regular trimming of your hair at the ends also ensures you achieve great volume.

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Hot Oil Treatment

While a lot has been said and debated on hot hair treatment for hair, it has actually turned out o beneficial for all related hair problems. Any oil like jojoba, almond or even olive qualifies for the process as they help to impart strength and improve general hair texture. Hot oil treatment is one such grandmother’s remedy for hair fall and hair strength that have stood the test of time and proves to be beneficial even today.

Go natural for hair colouring

While ready mixes are your first option for hair colour, going natural is not entirely out of vogue. It only makes more sense, as artificial colouring agents tend to cause serious damage to one’s hair by making it dry and hence ruin the overall texture. Natural hair colouring agents like henna as well as beetroot are known to impart great colour with added strength and vitality in equal measures.


Have you been suffering from hair related problems? What products do you normally use for your hair? Drop us a line below and let us know your thoughts. We would love to hear from you!

Featured Image: Supplied by author
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1 thought on “The Pathway To Achieving Healthy Hair

  1. Great blog! You may also want to look at Castor Oil I have been using it for about 2 weeks now and trust me it has helped me with my hairfall problem!! Give it a try…. You will also feel the difference.

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