Simple Skills That Will Make Life Much Easier!

Simple Skills That Will Make Life Much Easier!


In our early years of life, we learn SO much. We learn how to walk and talk, read and write. We learn how to socialise with others, what colours, shapes and numbers are and so much more. Later on in school we learn all about science, religion and literature, our minds are constantly being filled with new ideas and information. And then we leave school, and for many of us it goes a little downhill. We get a job and end up in mundane routine where we’re doing the same things day in, day out. We see the same people, have the same habits when we get home (such as flopping on the sofa and watching Netflix all night) are rarely do things that push us out of our comfort zones or allow our knowledge to expand.

Simple Skills That Will Make Life Much Easier!
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In our early years of life, we learn SO much. We learn how to walk and talk, read and write. We learn how to socialise with others, what colours, shapes and numbers are and so much more.

Later on in school we learn all about science, religion and literature, our minds are constantly being filled with new ideas and information. And then we leave school, and for many of us it goes a little downhill. We get a job and end up in mundane routine where we’re doing the same things day in, day out. We see the same people, have the same habits when we get home (such as flopping on the sofa and watching Netflix all night) are rarely do things that push us out of our comfort zones or allow our knowledge to expand.

Sometimes we might lack the simple skills that are really useful for getting through adulthood with, either out of laziness where we’ve never learned, or because we’ve just not pushed ourselves. Here are some ideas of things that are well worth learning if you can’t do already.

Learn to drive

There are lots of reasons you might not have learned to drive, from fear to time to cost. But it’s a great skill to have in life, it gives you so much freedom and independence so it’s worth taking up if you haven’t already. Book yourself in with a local instructor and go from there.

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Learn basic car repair

Once you know how to drive, it’s worth having some basic understanding of how to fix your car. This includes how to top up the fluids, check and replace bulbs and change a spare tyre. There are lots of articles and videos online that you can read and watch and build up your understanding. There are lots of things that can go wrong with cars but there are many common faults, so find out what these are and what to do if you have that problem.

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Learn to cook

We all need to be able to feed ourselves in adulthood, and so learning how to cook is an essential skill. When you have the knowledge and ability to cook tasty, healthy meals you’ll be less likely to resort to convenience foods and expensive, unhealthy takeaways. Take a class, watch some YouTube videos or even watch some cooking shows. If you use a service like you can watch tv shows from all over the world, so could learn about all different cuisines!

Learn basic DIY

Basic DIY such as being able to paint your home neatly, hang wallpaper, drill holes to put up a shelf and other simple tasks around the home are useful to have. Sure you could pay a handyman to come and do these things, but they’re relatively simple and something you can learn yourself with a bit of research and practice. Just be sure to leave dangerous jobs to the professionals, and be careful with power tools if you don’t know how to use them.

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