February 17, 2025
Remote Control: How To Effectively Manage Your Remote And Onsite Employees

Remote Control: How To Effectively Manage Your Remote And Onsite Employees


The past year has definitely been challenging for all of us. However, one thing that we have learnt during the past year, living through a global pandemic, is that working from home is here to stay. As some employees stay remote indefinitely and others begin to return to the office, businesses are starting to take up a hybrid workforce model.

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The past year has definitely been challenging for all of us. However, one thing that we have learnt during the past year, living through a global pandemic, is that working from home is here to stay. As some employees stay remote indefinitely and others begin to return to the office, businesses are starting to take up a hybrid workforce model.

What Is A Hybrid Workforce?

A hybrid workforce, just as it sounds, is an office model where some employees work remotely and others onsite. As the pandemic has continued to rage, this model has been hailed by many as the future of the workforce, due to the demystification of working from home.

The hybrid office model allows for a more flexible working environment, minimising commuting and giving everyone more freedom. However, with employees now split over various locations, the hybrid workforce brings with it a whole host of potential managerial problems. Therefore, you should consider how to manage your remote and onsite employees effectively.

Communicate Clearly And Effectively

When you are managing employees working over multiple different sites, it is an absolute must to communicate clearly and effectively to all of your staff.

By investing in communication tools, you can facilitate communications within your workforce, with customers and with yourself – and boost remote productivity. Through clear and effective communication, you can make sure that all of your employees are always on the same page.

Have Explicit Goals And Expectations

Working from home is no different to working in the office – everyone must have clear goals set for their day. If there are no expectations for your hybrid workforce, then you will not be able to hold anyone accountable.

Work on a list of goals, expectations or rules which can be easily communicated to both onsite and offsite staff. This way, everyone will understand what it is that you and the company are expecting from them as employees.

Emphasise The Importance Of Mental Health

Though it does pay to have rigid rules and explicit expectations, it’s also crucial to try to be flexible when it comes to mental health. When people work from home, it can be very difficult for them to separate work from home, potentially and very easily leading to burnout.

Similarly, there may be workers in the office who have other responsibilities such as children or dependents. In this case, they may benefit from flexible working hours or even working from home on certain days to ease their stress.

Implement Good Cybersecurity Practices

One of the main concerns with remote working might be security, especially if employees are using their own devices. You do not necessarily need to provide office devices, though this is favourable. In any case, make sure you emphasise the importance of good cybersecurity practices.

At the beginning, there will of course be quite a bit of adjusting and adapting until you find a model and management style which suits both you and the workforce. However, if you diligently follow these tips, the transition towards effectively managing your remote and onsite employees should be a lot smoother.

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