Back To Uni: Full Post Round-Up


In this post I round up all of the great University/College related content we’ve had over the month of September. So grab yourself a coffee, sit back and read up all about how to write lecture notes, avoid health issues, shop on a budget and cook some great meals worthy of Masterchef!

Back To Uni Round-Up
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Well, here we are at the end of September and for those of you who are off to University or College for the first time you should be settled in (hopefully by now) and for those of you returning you should have just headed back refreshed and ready for the next term.

Over the course of September we’ve looked a variety of tips, tools and hacks that can make your student life easier. In case you’ve missed any I thought I’d round them all up here for you so you can bookmark this page for easy reference later.

The one thing you need to remember is that college or university should be an enjoyable and memorable experience. Sure, you’re expected to (and need to) work hard, money is tight and you’ll be on a budget but that doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy yourselves a little too after all, going to University all adds to your life experience that employers are so fond of.


Anyway, I hope you’ve enjoyed the Back To Uni series and have found some useful information that will help you in your life as a student.

The Essential Guide To What You Need To Take To University Or College

Facts To Remember While Selecting Accounting For Higher Studies
Accounting is an enriching career that offers a wide array of opportunities to the professionals. It was previously limited to be a number-crunching field where professionals only had to smash buttons of calculators and do the math. Meanwhile, now accounting is more than just crunching numbers and requires special considerations.

Back To Uni: The Essential Guide To What You Need To Take To University Or College

It’s off to university time where the young leave the nest for the first time and then flap about trying how to open a wine bottle without a corkscrew. Spoiler: you need a wire coat-hanger or my handy downloadable guide that reminds you to take a corkscrew and bottle opener with you!

The Ultimate Guide To Student Life: Productivity, Health, Finance and Food Hacks

The Ultimate Guide To Student Life: Productivity, Health, Finance and Food Hacks

It’s the time of year where some of us are looking forward to going off into the world of further education. In this post we have a massive list of resources for budding (and existing) college and university students covering finance, how to organise your drawers properly and why you should always wear flip-flops in the communal shower!

Reading List, Citation and Bibliography Management

Back To Uni: Reading List, Citation and Bibliography Management

It’s coming up to the start of a new term and you’ll be sorting out all of your recommended reading lists, and be getting ready for all of the essays you’ll be writing. In this post we take a look at a variety of web-based, mobile and downloadable software that allows you to manage your reading lists and store your research materials so you can make your essay, dissertation and thesis writing a much smoother experience.

Class Planner : Free Timetable Download

Class Planner : Free Timetable Download

It’s back to school time and it’s time to get your class schedule organised. Here’s a free download for you to help you get your classes and free time in order.

Managing Your Class Schedules

Back To Uni: Managing Your Class Schedules

How do you manage your class schedules? In this post we take a look at some apps and paper-based resources to help you organise your time and homework so you don’t end up burning the candle at both ends.

How To Take Lecture Notes

Back To Uni: How To Take Lecture Notes

How do you take notes when listening to a lecture? It doesn’t always have to be with a pen!

Food Shopping On A Budget

Back To Uni: Food Shopping On A Budget

In this post we look at how you can manage your food spending costs by not buying the most expensive brands, planning meals and learning how to bone a chicken! These tips aren’t just for students off to college but apply to anyone looking to manage their food budget.

11 Study Hacks To Make College Easier

Back To Uni: 11 Study Hacks To Make College Easier

In this post we look at 11 methods that can help you improve the way you study and help you remember more of what you’re trying to learn.

10 Tips To Manage your College and Work Life

Back To Uni: 10 Tips To Manage your College and Work Life

You may need extra money to help you study but it’s important that you don’t sacrifice your education for cash. In this post we look at ways you can manage your college and work life and the importance of having some time for yourself too.

Easy Student Meals

Back To Uni: Easy Student Meals

All students have to eat – but just because you’re on a budget it doesn’t mean you can’t have tasty meals that would put a great chef to shame. In this post we take a look at some cheap and easy meals you can make with the majority of items in a student cupboard.

4 Ways To Bring Gamification To Learning
Educators are always concerned about finding ways to increase the student engagement in the classrooms. They are continuously molding their teaching methods so that the students can feel confident about what they learn and can stay motivated to do better and better and Gamification is a great way of motivating...

10 Must-Have Gadgets For Students

Back To Uni: 10 Must-Have Gadgets For Students

In this post we look at 10 must have gadgets you should take with you to university from smart notebooks to notebook locks.


Over To You

Phew! That was a lot of information we got through this month! I hope you found the above useful but I’m sure you have your own advice to share so let us know in the comments or contact me.

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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