Stressing About Stress
Did you know that the term stress dates back to 1936? In a clinical sense I mean, I’m pretty sure I’ve read it in books written before that date but usually in the context of speech or making a point rather than it being something that we feel and that can affect us physically, emotionally and mentally. And yet, even after over 85 years stress is still something that some people don’t think is real and that can’t physically affect us. But it can, so let’s take a look at it.
Did you know that the term stress dates back to 1936? In a clinical sense I mean, I’m pretty sure I’ve read it in books written before that date but usually in the context of speech or making a point rather than it being something that we feel and that can affect us physically, emotionally and mentally.
And yet, even after over 85 years stress is still something that some people don’t think is real and that can’t physically affect us.
“What are you annoyed for? You’ll get over it!”
“You just need to relax! Have a holiday!”
“I don’t know what you’re complaining about. I work 100 hours a week and I am fine!”
I’m sure you’ve heard many variations of the above.
But here’s the thing. Stress is real, and it affects people differently.
Something that annoyed a friend may be something that you sit with and mull over for some time causing stress an anxiety.
Perhaps you can’t afford to have a holiday, someone telling you that you need to take one will just lead to more stress.
And someone working 100 hours a week? Well they might have a full time nanny and help at home when you’re trying to balance two kids, the school run, looking after an elderly relative and a full time job.
Someone else’s experience is NOT your experience and because it’s not the same doesn’t invalidate how you feel.
Today is national Stress Awareness day and I think people need to be made more aware of how stress is so prevalent in our society.
With money worries and the state of the world to trying to balance too many projects or trying to make time to see your kids band play, there are many stressors in life and I defy someone – anoyone – to tell me that there si not one single thing in their life that doesn’t give them some stress from time-to-time.
So today, which happens to be National Stress Awareness day, take a few moments to feel validated in your feels and if you think you’ve nothing to be stressed about then take a look at a friend, family member or co-worker and see if you can help alleviate the stress that they might be feeling.
One kind action such as offering to do an errand or answer a phone call can make a massive difference to someone.
Illustration of a stressed woman holding her head under a cloud of thoughts by Storyset on