When Not To Get Things Done

When Not To Get Things Done


When I finally arranged my time off, I initially sat down and did a rather pretty mind map (in pink no less) of all the things that I thought I should do over my holiday and then I thought “Do you know what? I’m on holiday. Stuff it!” And I did.

Mind mapping diagram
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Ah Ha! I’m Back! I hope you all missed me whilst I was away. No, I wasn’t abducted by Aliens and I haven’t run out of things to say! In actual fact I took a two week holiday – my first real break from work since Christmas and I decided that I wasn’t going to do anything. Yup, you heard me correctly, nothing, nada, zilch.

When I finally arranged my time off, I initially sat down and did a rather pretty mind map (in pink no less) of all the things that I thought I should do over my holiday and then I thought “Do you know what? I’m on holiday. Stuff it!” And I did.

Weekly Round-Up #331: Bedsheets, Journaling For Mental Health & Online Learning
This week we take a look at how often you should wash your bedsheets (and what happens when you don't), how you can start a mental health journal and some of the misconceptions that still surround online learning.

This may seem a little strange as I’m a big advocate of Getting Things Done, however we all need a break now and then and I have to admit it was rather nice not to check a list every day to see what I was supposed to be doing and instead just do whatever I felt like (mainly sleep) when I felt like it (all the time).


We all have countless commitments both at home and work and sometimes it’s rather nice to be able to forget them all and just go with the flow. You might ask if I felt guilty. Maybe for the first couple of days but not for long!

Anyway, I’m back now (you can’t get rid of me that easily) and normal posting will resume shortly.

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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