February 16, 2025

Weekly Round-Up #235: How Much Should You Charge, Renewable Energy and Dogs Of Instagram


This week we take a look at how much you should charge if you’re working as a virtual assistant, some surprising facts about renewable energy and why dogs are taking over instagram.

Weekly Round-Up #235: How Much Should You Charge, Renewable Energy and Dogs Of Instagram
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Hello and welcome to this week’s round-up, I hope you’ve had a fun and productive week. This week we take a look at how much you should charge if you’re working as a virtual assistant, some surprising facts about renewable energy and why dogs are taking over instagram.

17 Common Online Scams – BroadbandSearch

Cybercrime doesn’t threaten our lives and physical well-being, but it can do irrevocable harm to our financial stability and peace of mind. Of course, no one thinks they can become a victim of an online scam until it happens to them, and even the best of the best sometimes slip.

Staying safe online requires getting into the minds of cybercriminals, and that means identifying and understanding the scams they run.

BroadbandSeach has outlined the 17 most common online scams so you know what to look for and how to avoid them.

Wellness In The Workplace Study – The Office Group

Health and social care is the most stressful industry to work in, according to analysis by The Office Group (TOG), who found that health and social workers tend to work longer hours and report more cases of work-related stress, depression and anxiety.

Starting An Online Business: The Ultimate Guide For 2019 – Hustlr

If you’re looking to make some extra money with a side-hustle or online business then you’ll need to check out Jeremy Ong’s great guide to starting your own business in 2019.”

Series A, B, And C Funding: Guide To Raising Venture Capital – Embroker

If you’re starting a business then you’re going to need some funding. While you can go so far with savings, loans and friends & family you may need to look to venture capital funding if you need a more substantial amount. This article explains the ins and outs of venture capital funding and what you can expect from the process.

The Ultimate Moving Out Cleaning Checklist – Cleaning Services Group

When you’re moving, you probably think about packing, loading and loading trucks and the general hassle of relocation. One thing you probably don’t consider is giving your home a clean before moving out – and if you’re renting this can be an important part of making sure you get your security deposit back. CSG has come up with a great checklist for you to follow so you don’t miss any important areas when you’re leaving your old home.

How And When To Move Offices – A Handy Guide & Checklist – WD Storage

For small business owners, a major cause of stress can be office moves: when’s the best time to move? How do you minimise disruption to business? How on earth do you choose your new premises? In fact, 31% of business owners when surveyed said that an office move was the most stressful thing about running a business. The only thing more stressful? Hiring new staff. So, WD Storage decided to put together a guide to making your office move as successful as it could possibly be.

Libra: Cryptocurrency By Facebook (Definitive Guide 2019) – MrBTC.org

You may have heard that Facebook isn’t just content with knowing pretty much everything about you – they’re now moving into the currency markets with their new cryptocurrency “”Libra””. What is is and what does it mean for us? You can find out all the information in this handy infographic.

80 Renewable Energy Statistics – SafeAtLast

Climate change is big news at the moment – with the hottest summer on record across a large part of the globe we should all be aware that we need to do more to protect and save our environment. One way of doing this is to move away from fossil fuels and start using cleaner, more renewable energy sources and there are some surprising stats in this article from SafeAtLast.

The Ultimate Guide To Telecommuting And Improving Work-Life Balance – Ring Central

In the UK, predictions suggest that 50% of employees will be telecommuting or working remotely by this time next year (2020). The ability to work from outside of the office has transformed the business landscape as we know it, becoming one of the biggest transformation drivers of all time.

Virtual Assistant Salary: The Definitive Guide (2019) – Small Revolution

If you’re starting out working from home as a virtual assistant it can be difficult to know what to charge customers – too high and you may put people off, too low and you won’t cover your costs. So, how much should you charge?

UK Student Safety Survey – UK Guarantor

UK Guarantor, a rent guarantor company, has interviewed students and asked them to rank cities they study in – looking at how safe they feel in the city, how clean the city is, how friendly the locals are and how happy the students are in the city.

Mental Health In The Workplace – Protectivity

1 in 7 people experience mental health problems in the workplace, with evidence suggesting that 13% of all sick days in the UK can be attributed to mental health conditions. But which cities and industries are working the hardest to bring these figures down by talking about mental health in a professional setting?

The Countries Who Consume The Most News – Post Beyond

Traditionally, we heard breaking news through newspapers, radio and the TV, but nowadays we live in a constantly switched on world and are able to consume news via our mobiles and online news sites – not to mention social media, too.

Post Beyond have visualised which countries have the highest percentage of the population consuming news online based on OECD data.

Dogs Are Taking Over Instagram – But Why Are They So Popular? – Search Laboratory

Regular readers will know that I’m a cat lover but I do follow a stupidly large number of dog accounts on Instagram – and it seems I’m not the only one!

Have A Great Weekend

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next week, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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