Weekly Round-Up #254: The Rise Of The Machines, Composting For Kids & How To Have A Stress Free Day
This week we take a look at the power of artificial intelligence and the impact it’s having on our lives, why it’s important to get kids composting at an early age (and how to go about it) and how you can have a stress free day – yes, it is possible if you know the causes of stress in the first place!

Hello! Welcome to this week’s round-up, I hope you’ve had a fun an productive week.
This week we take a look at the power of artificial intelligence and the impact it’s having on our lives, why it’s important to get kids composting at an early age (and how to go about it) and how you can have a stress free day – yes, it is possible if you know the causes of stress in the first place!
How Your Worst AI Fears Have Manifested In 2020 – Businessware Technologies
Artificial Intelligence. We are bombarded by these words from every news and media outlet, from magazines and research papers, from TV and Internet: in fact, we consume so much information on AI it might seem that we are already living in the neon cyberpunk future people fantasized about in the 60s and 70s. Despite the disappointing lack of neon everywhere, we are already in a new era pioneered and headlined by AI. Look around you – chances are you’ll see some kind of device that’s ‘intelligent’, even if it’s at a level of a 2 year old child. What’s there to be afraid of then?
How To Visualize Success And Achieve Your Goals: An A-To-Z Guide – Complete Guide To Archery
?Envisioning success can bring about incredible results, and there are some wildly successful people—from gold-medal winning Olympians to billionaire titans of industry—who swear by it.
There’s also a slew of studies run by professionals in field from neurology to psychology that prove visualization can enhance your results and help you achieve your goals.
Curious? Well, you’re in luck, this article from CompleteGuideToArchery.com gives you a great run down on what visualisation is and how it can make you more successful.
Composting For Kids – Guide & Resources – TradesmenCosts.co.uk
Composting is fun, easy, and a perfect opportunity to teach children about Biology, Health, Nutrition, Agriculture, Sustainability, and much more. It also recycles food scraps, paper, grass clippings, trash, and leaves that would otherwise be thrown away. Compost improves the quality of your soil, saves you money on store-bought fertilizer and plant food, and helps keep your yard tidy. Best of all, your flowers, plants, and vegetables will grow taller and stronger, and also taste better.
A Guide To A Stress Free Day – Groom+Style
Stress is something that plagues all of us from time to time. It can make us irritable, make it difficult to sleep at night, and even intrude into our relaxing thoughts and activities. There’s no way to completely get rid of stress. However, there are effective ways to manage it, minimize its impact, and effectively relax so that we can go about our lives refreshed and energized. In this article, Groom+Style looks at what causes stress, the long term ramifications of high levels of stress, and preventative measures and stress management for any lifestyle using a personalized stress management routine.
Affiliate Marketing For Bloggers: How To Monetize Your Blog – OnlinebizBooster
When bloggers say they made a fortune from blogging, most of the time, what they really mean is they monetized their blog, turning it into an online revenue stream. Earning big bucks doesn’t happen overnight, however. And the big money doesn’t come in until they connect their blog with affiliate products. So if you want to earn some extra money then check out this massive guide form OnlineBizBooser and get earning today.
Productivity Infographic – The Complete Picture – Productive Headspace
Have you ever wondered what it takes, specifically, to master the art of productivity? Have you ever wanted to get a full overview of every skill that together make up the whole picture of productivity so that you can clearly see what to do to master this skill, once and for all? Then look no further. Productive Headspace have collected this information for you, in one single productivity infographic.
Is “To Whom It May Concern” An Acceptable Greeting? – Resume Companion
Career websites across the internet claim that opening your cover letter with “To Whom It May Concern” can sink your job prospects. But does it actually matter at all? ResumeCompanion interviewed over 1,000 hiring managers to find out the answer: 83% of hiring managers revealed that seeing “To Whom It May Concern” on a cover letter would have little or no impact on their hiring decision.
Planning Office Lighting And How To Make Yours More Productive – Lyco
We are now working longer, more intense hours than ever before, so employers are increasingly being encouraged to create work spaces that positively impact their staff. The right lighting, at the right time, in the right place, can improve motivation, productivity, even support a more positive attitude for employees. It will really pay off to take time to consider and plan lighting carefully.
Vinegar A Natural Bathroom Cleaner – A Complete Guide – Behind The Shower
Vinegar is speculated to be a magical formula for many problems such as preservation agent to health problems. But it is interesting to know that scientific studies do not support all such claims . However, there is no doubt that vinegar is an outstanding natural cleaning solution. When it is used in a bathroom it truly becomes a multi purpose cleaner.
How To Use Tablets In Business (Infographic) – Scalefusion
The rise in tablet technology is ushering innovations that aim to improve not only user productivity but also drive workflow efficiency and overall customer experience. Modern and sophisticated tablet usage had facilitated enterprise cost reduction, easy and effective decision making, improved business functionality, faster time to market and operational efficiency.”
Download The City Pantry Nation’s Desk-Eating Habits Whitepaper – City Pantry
Employers across the UK are ‘not doing enough’ to encourage employees to lead a healthier lifestyle, new research shows. This is leading to a significant number of employees reporting feeling unmotivated and sluggish at work, warning signs of burnout, and poor mental health.
Best Home Automation Ideas: 34 Smart Hacks – 24/7 Home Security
Smart home (or home automation) technology has been around in a serious way since the 90’s, but it was generally reserved for those with big budgets or for the really geeky types who live technology. But, in the last several years, smart devices, standards, and more importantly, software, has gotten more and more mainstream. Now, anyone can buy a hub, use a home automation server and start adding small sensors and controls to their home for under $100. More importantly, you (usually) don’t need to be a tech wizard or a programmer to create a great experience. Even if you’re just starting out, you can find some home automation examples in this article from 24-7-home-security.com that you can try for yourself.
The History Of WordPress – Interactive Guide – 93digital
The WordPress Time Machine was designed and executed by leading WordPress agency 93digital. It recounts the incredible story behind the publishing platform and how it started life as a basic blogging tool before growing into a widely used Enterprise ready CMS which now powers more than one-third (36 percent*) of the entire internet. This represents a staggering 63 percent share of the whole CMS market.
Top Apps And Our Emptions – Carphone Warehouse
These top three emojis represent how we feel about top apps. Using social listening tool Brandwatch, Carphone Warehouse mapped out the types of emojis people use when talking about the biggest apps of the decade. Why emojis, specifically? Because these little icons have become a near-universal way to visually communicate our feelings to the world .
Have A Great Week
I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.
Until next time, Stay Productive!