Weekly Round-Up #52: A Merry Christmas To You All


A Christmas Message From Katy!

Christmas 2015
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Hello and welcome to the final round-up of 2015 – where has the year gone?!

I hope you’ve been enjoying my little round-ups each week. I plan to continue them in 2016 so as always if you have any posts, apps or products you think readers may like then please contact me via the website or send me a tweet.

This week there’s no big round-up of links as I’ve given myself permission to take the day off – it is a holiday after all! Instead I’d like to wish you all a Merry Christmas (or Season’s greetings as some prefer) and would like to thank you for sticking with me through 2015.


Next week I’ll be rounding up my favourite posts from 2015 (which is a hard task as there are over 150 to chose from!), taking a look at the posts which you guys found the most interesting and letting you know what 2016 has in store for Flipping Heck, after all it’s important to set goals and be accountable isn’t it!

If you haven’t already, please sign up to the newsletter – there’s a link to a special Christmas gift for you all which I hope you’ll find useful.

Online Personality Test
The purpose of Personality I.D. is to reveal your natural personality identity. This assessment will also help you learn your strengths and weaknesses and your communication style for application at home, church, and work.
Weekly Round-Up #61: Are you pulling the plug for National Unplugging Day?
March the 4-5th 2016 is National Unplug Day where we're all supposed to get off our devices and live in the real world for a while - are you taking the challenge? If so the this post gives you some tips and advice on how to cope without your tech!

Have a great holiday – and take some well deserved time to spend it with friends and family. After all, 2015 has been a highly productive year!

Katy - Author, Flipping Heck



About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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