February 10, 2025

Weekly Round-Up #33 – Memory Palaces, hashtags for to-dos, Napping perfectly, and management tools you need


Get your mind palace in order, and then take a nap! This week’s round-up we take a look at a variety of techniques that can help you – along with an added portion of cats (which may become a regular feature!) .Enjoy your weekend.

Weekly Round-Up - Cowboy Lassoing Text
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Hello and Happy Friday! This week seems to have gone super fast, it’s weird how time can be so subjective sometimes and it seems to have been a “blink and you’ll miss it” kind of week!

This week I’ve been quite busy working on my FlipPlan Downloadable Planner working out a few bugs and implementing some new functionality that I hope to be able to release soon. If you haven’t had a look at it yet, please check it out. The FlipPlan allows you to generate a pocket sized calendar that folds up into a handy notes/calendar guide and card holder and it integrates with your Google Calendar too!

I’ve also been re-working my downloads page and have made it look a lot nicer and – hopefully – easier to navigate to find the free downloads I’ve worked on over the years. I’ve added a lot of downloads to it over the past six months so please check it out.

It’s also been quite busy on the email front with a number of people contacting me with content they think you’ll be interested in. I do check out all the links sent to me so if you have a suggestion please feel free to contact me.

Anyway, enough rambling – let’s get on to the productivty and motivational related links I’ve curated for you this week – enjoy!.

How to Memorize Things Fast Using These Time Management Tips – Magnetic Memory Method

Anthony emailed be to point me in the direction of a specific podcast he’d put up with Tor Refsland from Time Management Chef and I’m so glad he did! I haven’t gone through all of his archives yet but I have listened to the majority of Tor’s podcast and it’s really interesting. I am a follower of memory techniques so I will now be subscribing to Anthony’s podcast but, if you’re only interested in how to remember all your to-dos then you can listen to the podcast in itunes and android (just click the relevant link in the post header).

Following on from the podcast, again I’ve only briefly checked out Tor’s website but Time Management Chef has a load of great content well worth looking at.

HashTagToDo – To Do List In Gmail Calendar – HashTagToDo

Peter from HashTagToDo asked me to take a look at their new product as he thought it would be useful to my readers and, to some, I think it will.

I will clarify my standpoint here in that I think only items due on a set day and/or time should go in a calendar rather than putting general to-do items into something that can be so easily misused. Becuase of this I’m probably not the target audience for this type of app but, for some, I can see it being really useful. If you put all your tasks into Google Calendar then think about looking into this as you can mark items as complete within your calendar rather than trying to figure out what’s “done” and what’s still pending.

Basically you link your Google account with the HashTagToGo service and you can begin to tag tasks in your calendar as to-do items simply by tagging them with “#todo” – that’s it! They will the appear on your “HashTagToGo” page. You can mark a to-do item as done by simply putting an “x” in the box next to the to-do.

One thing to note is that the items you add will appear in your default calendar as “All Day” caledar items, so if that calendar is set to public that’s something to bear in mind!

A How-To Guide to the Perfect Nap – Art Of Wellbeing

Brendan asked that I point you in the direction of his very informative article on napping. I’d love to nap but to me to nap is to sleep – I once put my head down for an “hour” and woke up 48 hours later so I need to be quite careful with alarms! Maybe I need to buy a hammok – that might help!

There are though, many major health benefits of napping so perhaps you should take a look at this well worked out article and use it to convince your boss to provide you with a camp bed to have a nice lie down on while you’re drinking a cup of tea.

10 Office Management Tools To Make Your Life A Breeze – Snacknation

Daniel at Snacknation asked me to take a look at their new post and there are a few interesting tools in this list that I hadn’t heard of before whilst the Scrum Board looks very much like a Kanban Board there are a few other things in this list that are well worth a look.

Okay Now it’s my turn!

Here are my picks for this week’s round up that I’ve found from around the internet – enjoy!

6 personalities in every office – and how to manage them – The Next Web

I think I’ve worked with a heck of a lot of judgers, if only I’d realised how to recognise some of these types of people before and how to deal with them things could have gone quite differently!

5 words you should drop if you want to be taken more seriously at work – Mashable

Seriously? No, Seriously, No. Seriously. I mean why isn’t Seriously on this list? But in all seriousness, certain words can influence the way people think about you and your social standing. There are some words I think that are missing from this list, the most obviously being “maybe” – “maybe I’ll help”, “that maybe possible, it can be such a negative word in certain situations.

Minimalism Tips to Make Your Desk More Zen – Productivity Theory

Clear all your clutter! That’s the rule from this post. It may seem obvious but there may be things to consider here. Don’t leave things on or in your desk in an untidy manner.

This Week In Cats – Buzzfeed

I should have added a “cat” section from the very begining of this series. Cats doing anything (or nothing) can may anyones week better. I like to live vicariously through Cat on the internet as mine are boring or, as more often is the case, when they do something interesting I don’t have a camera. Apart from this one time when my cat decided he should star in the omen – love him really though (I’d better or he may kill me in my sleep!)

Over To You

I hope you have a great weekend and, as always, if you come across an article or service you think my readers will be interested in, please Contact Me

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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1 thought on “Weekly Round-Up #33 – Memory Palaces, hashtags for to-dos, Napping perfectly, and management tools you need

  1. Hi Katy,

    thanks a lot for including me in your post.

    I really appreciate it.

    Have a productive weekend!



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