February 17, 2025
Weekly Round-Up #248: 2020 Trends, Wanderlust Quotes And Plants

Weekly Round-Up #248: 2020 Trends, Wanderlust Quotes And Plants


In this week’s round-up we take a look at digital design trends for 2020, 61 quotes to satiate your wanderlust and 26 plants that clean the air (and make your home or garden look nice).

Group of green plants in white pots
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I this week’s round-up we take a look at the digital and graphic design trends of 2020 – I have to admit I’m not too sure about some of these so it will be interesting to look back at the end of the year to see how many of these “trends” actually happened.

As we can’t travel at the moment, CarRentals.com have put together a list of 61 travel-realted quotes to inspire you and keep you motivated until we can finally go on holiday.

And, as we’re spending more times in our homes at the moment, there’s a list of 26 plants that will help clean the air in your home. I’ve recently started buying more plants, and have been actually able to keep them alive for a change!

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to buy some ferns!

Digital & Graphic Design Trends 2020 – Coastal Creative

They say hindsight is 20/20. But as far as digital and graphic design trends are concerned, 2020 is a year that is looking towards the future. A new decade kicks off with emerging and evolving design elements that carry striking visions for what’s to come. Coastal Creative’s sixth annual predictions for emerging design trends forecast that 2020 is bound to be a year of delightfully surreal depictions of products and technology, data made beautiful, and daring color and media combos that are energizing and aspirational.

Top 7 Tips On How To Value A House – Urban

Understanding the value of a house, be it one you own or one you are looking at purchasing, is vitally important. You will want to know how to value a house for insurance, understand where you sit in the negotiation process, how much equity you have, or how well your investment is doing. Knowing how to value a house helps you to gain this information. Urban.com.au have compiled these seven tips on how to determine the market value of property. Once you understand how to calculate property value, you will be best positioned to determine how to value a house for sale.

Cybersecurity Memo Templates And Awareness Flyers Employees Won’t Forget – Inside Out Security

National Cybersecurity Awareness Month comes around every October, but you shouldn’t rely on one month being enough to drive home the importance of cybersecurity to your employees. You should promote security awareness and cybersecurity best practices year-round. In order to help you kick off or continue your awareness program, we’ve put together a variety of cybersecurity memo templates for employees. These memos cover topics like phishing and whaling, password practices, file and folder permissions, as well as templates for different experience levels.

26 Plants That Clean Air – The Comprehensive List – Bestpicko

For many years nobody considered the impact of plants as an indoor-purifier. Yes, the environment friendly role of plants is known since ages, but nobody imagined the extent to which plants can purify the air inside your living space. That was before NASA stepped in to assist the Associated Contractors of America (ALCA) in a quest to conclude a list of the most effective plants that clean the air indoors by removing toxic-agents.

Jobs With The Largest And Smallest Gender Pay Gap – Haven Life

If you’re a working woman, you’ve most likely encountered pay inequity at some point in your life. This year, Glassdoor released a report that analyzed over 400,000 salaries reported by full-time workers in the U.S. They found that the current unadjusted pay gap (the overall pay difference between men and women) is 21.4%. That means women earn an average of 79 cents for every dollar earned by men who are in the same position and have the same experience. This research uncovered a troubling reality: If current wage factors in the U.S. persist, complete pay equality won’t be accomplished until 2070.

61 Wanderlust Quotes To Inspire Adventure – CarRentals.com Blog

Inspired by the words of literary authors, solo female travelers, and icons like Anthony Bourdain, CarRentals.com put together this amazing list of 61 quotes that will inspire your inner wanderlust. They have also included customizable postcard printables, so you can add them to your home, office or send to a friend!

323,776 Reviews Say “Expensive Workout Shoes Aren’t Worth It” – Athletic Shoe Reviews

A RunRepeat study analyzed 323,776 reviews of 336 workout shoes from 20 different brands.The analysis focused on the pricing, rating, and savings for shoes across the entire category as well as individual brands. The data makes it clear that expensive workout shoes are not better than more affordable ones. In fact, the inexpensive workout shoes are overall rated better than the more expensive workout shoe options.”
“## What Are The Options For Creators Who Want To Monetize Their Audience? – Podia

There are many ways for creators to make money online. This guide from Podia lays out the options and helps you choose the best one for you.

A Complete Guide To Effective And Successful Teamwork – Calibre Furniture

We hear the word ‘teamwork’ very often when discussing the modern workplace, but what exactly is teamwork, and why is it considered a better option than everyone working individually? The bottom line is if you want your business to succeed, and if you want to grow your brand into the future and create a working environment which your employees enjoy, then you need to focus your attention on encouraging a team-working space which pulls everyone together in a common aim.

Rising Cost Of University – Self.inc

One of the biggest financial challenges younger generations will face in their lifetime is accepting and repaying a student loan. In the last 5 years alone, the cost of university tuition has risen 8.3%, which is below the 9.7% increase in room and board prices and far below the 36.3% increase in books and supplies seen in the same time frame. This means that, per year, university students are paying $29,133 on average across all states just to attend. This is an increase of $2,835 for every year of tuition above the prices student were paying in 2015, which is also 112% above the rate of inflation in the US throughout the same period.

Have A Great Week

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next time, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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