February 17, 2025

Weekly Round-Up #221: Stop Being A Serial Killer, Familiar Music & Holiday Bliss

In this week’s round-up we look at how not to murder your plants, music samples through the ages and where to take the perfect holiday.

Weekly Round-Up #221: Stop Being A Serial Killer, Familiar Music & Holiday Bliss
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Welcome to this week’s round-up. Yes, I know this didn’t go up on our usual Friday spot but thanks to a series of software updates and other rubbish my weekly schedule went completely out of the Window due to a load of stuff breaking (note to software developers: please check your updates actually work before deploying them to the masses).

Anyway, enough moaning and excuses let’s get on to this week’s round-up where we look at how not to murder your plants, music samples through the ages and where to take the perfect holiday.

How To Grow Beautiful Houseplants Without Feeling Like A Serial Killer – Gardening Mentor

I don’t know about you but I’m terrible at keeping houseplants alive. The problem is, having houseplants is shown to prove your environment, health and productivity so, how can we keep them alive? Fear not! Gardening Mentor has some tips that will help you (or you could just buy plastic ones….)

So Your Business Needs A New Website? – Searcheo

Has your website been kicking around for a while? I have to admit I do get bored of looking at the same homepage day-in, day-out so you may notice that here on FlippingHeck.com I do may regular changes to the design and layout. What about your business website though? Is it up-to-date? Is it optimised for mobile devices? Check out this article to see if your website’s ready for a spring clean.

Music Samples Through Time: Examining 100 Years Of Music Sampling – Currys Tech Talk

We wrote recently about the importance of music in boosting focus but isn’t it annoying when you’re listening to a song and you think “”That sounds really familiar””. Well, you’re not the only one – sampling seems to be on the rise as this interesting graph shows.

Save 7% on your DistroKid subscription

Stress Levels Across The UK – Protectivity

I cannot begin to tell you how stressed out I’ve been over the past few days – there should be a whacking great big star between London and Birmingham on Protectivity’s Map to represent my stress levels. Still, apparently my small part of England isn’t the most stressed in the UK (although it really should be right now, OKAY?????!!!!) Is your city on the list? If not and you think it should be let me know why.

How To Stop Thinking About Work After Hours – CashNetUSA

Working from home, it’s virtually impossible for me to stop thinking about work but if you’re “”lucky”” enough to work outside of your home space it’s really important to be able to switch off and in this infographic, Cash Net USA have some great ideas – now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to play Red Dead Redemption 2 and I have a valid excuse now….!

The Best & Worst Productivity Apps: 2019 Edition – Ring Central UK

I have to admit, the title of this article is a bit misleading – I was expecting a list of great and rubbish apps that you should and shouldn’t use for 2019. That being said, it’s always a great idea to have a second opinion on something so if you have any “worst” productivity apps, let us know in the comments below.

A Guide To Choosing Sustainable Furniture – Mattress Online

You might think that becoming sustainable is all about taking your own cup to Starbucks or refusing a straw, but how about your furniture?

You don’t have to just choose sustainable wood or materials, you can also recycle, upcycle and keep furniture for a long time – my dining room table is about 45 years old so while not an antique it is sustainable!

Culture, Relaxation, And Entertainment Around The World – Sovereign

Are you wondering what you should do for your next holiday? Then check out this tool from Sovereign which allows you to balance culture, entertainment and relaxation and gives you the ultimate place to visit.

The UK’s Most Decisive Online Shoppers – Search Laboratory

Do you make impulse buys or are you more of a thinker? I think I fall somewhere in between the two in that some items (low value) I’ll rush to buy and other more high-value items I can um and ahh over for months and then other items like my Marvel figurine collection I will just throw money at – weird, huh? See if you’re in a decisive UK city or not with this chart from Search Laboratory.

Have A Great Weekend

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next week, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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