Weekly Round-Up #162 – Time Management For Teens, Safari Tips & How Not To Fail At Planning
This week we concentrate on the importance of time management for teens, 4 tips for iOS 11 Safari you might not know about and why you may be failing at planning.

Welcome to this week’s round-up, I hope you’ve had a fun and productive week!
This week we concentrate on the importance of time management for teens, 4 tips for iOS 11 Safari you might not know about and why you may be failing at planning.
Best Time-Management Apps For Students – TopUniversities
It’s coming up to exam season for a lot of people, so if you (or one of your kids) are trying to fit in studying, going to school or college and having a life then this article has loads of great tip management tips to help you out.
Bonus Resource: Check out our Back To Uni series of posts that give you loads of great tips for college life.
You Might Also Like: Back To Uni: Full Post Round-Up
The Do’s And Don’ts Of Using Your Cell Phone At Work – Moneyish
We all have access to a personal phone these days (or are able to use a work phone for personal business). It’s really useful for keeping track of the kid’s, waiting for a call from the dentist to cofirm an appointment and (most importantly) playing Candy Crush. The problem is that we haven’t really figured out phone etiquette yet and run the risk of falling foul of company policy or annoying co-workers with your annoying ring tone. Moneyish has put together a list of do’s and don’ts when thinking about using your phone at work.
Smarter Time App: Automatically Measure, Analyse And Improve Your Time Management – Irish Tech News
Back in Round-Up #128 I mentioned Smarter:Time I did have a play around with it but as I only really work in 2 locations (living room and home office) and keep my phone out of the kitchen (where I spend quite a bit of time cooking) I didn’t get to feel the full benefits of this app so never got around to writing my promised review. Don’t worry though! If you’re interested in checking it out then the Irish Tech News has a great write up of Smarter:Time for you.
It’s Time To Teach Time Management To Your Teen – News 18
Time management is an important life skill helping you get on in job job and saving your sanity, relationships and health. Despite it’s important role in everyday life it’s still not really taught in schools but people are realising that if you get people used to time management early on it can really set them up later so teach time management to your teen now.
This 13-Year-Old Has Written A Book About Time Management. What Makes Her An Expert? – Washington Post
If you don’t think you can convince your teenager that time management is important, how about letting them hear how important time management is from another teenager?
Limit Kids’ Screen Time By Unplugging. Literally – WBUR
If you’re finding that your kids aren’t managing their tasks and are spending too much time glued to their tablets then fear not! WBUR has a great way of getting to kids to manage their screen time with a simple solution that will really make them think about their tablet usage.
Free Planner Printables – Over 200 Free Inserts, Stickers, And Clips – Mom Envy
To help your kid’s (and yourself with your time management and planning check out these 200+ free inserts, stickers and more for you to download and print at home. They’re perfect to use in your own planner or use as ideas for your bullet journal spreads.
iOS 11 Safari Productivity Tips: Four Hidden Features You Don’t Want To Overlook – Tech republic
If you’re using Safari then you’ll love these 4 tips for the iOS 11 version of the browser that will speed up your browsing and allow you to access webpages offline without the need for another app.
Get To The Heart Of Workplace Conflict By Reading Body Language – SmartBrief
I’ve written in the past about the importance of general body language but the guys at SmartBrief concentrate on using Body Language to spot conflict starting in the workplace and then take steps to resolve the issues before it gets a chance to blow up into something much bigger.
You Might Also Like: Body Language Basics: Introduction
You Might Also Like: How To Handle Conflict In The Workplace
The Idea File System: How To Capture And Organize All Of Your Ideas – Zapier
You know what it’s like, you have an idea pop into your head so you write it down only to lose the bit of paper or forget about the task completely. Over at Zapier there are ways that you can capture your ideas and organise them using a couple of free tools,
Ask A Boss: “My Company Won’t Fire A Bad Employee!” – The Cut
There are times when you’re working with someone and wonder “how on Earth are you still here”? From bad habits to more serious infractions like theft, there are some people who seem to get away with anything, the question is: “Why”? Perhaps the article at the Cut can shed some light on why some employees aren’t fired when they should be.
5 Ways You’re Setting Yourself Up To Fail When You Plan – The Lazy Source
Failing to plan is planning to fail but Katie over at The Lazy Source argues that you can fail even when you plan! From confusing lists and dumps to poor time management, check out whether you’re committing any of these planning sins.
Master The Mind: Archer-Level Concentration And Happiness – Stoic Leaders
If you boast and brag then there will soon be someone there to put you in your place. Skills are a constant pattern of learning and enhancing your skills and as a result it’s important to make sure you’re going into learning with the right mindset.
Is Fibre Right For Your Business? – Amvia
We’re starting to live more of our lives online with Cloud backups, video conferences, webinars and online collaboration an integral part of most modern businesses. If you’re not sure what the difference is with standard broadband and fibre is, or whether you need to upgrade then Amvia has a nice article explaining the jargon for you – of course, you need to be in an area supports super-fast Internet – I can’t get it as they’re “full up” at the moment, great!