February 12, 2025

Weekly Round-Up #142: Successful Habits, Should We Set Goals And How To Schedule Meetings


This week we look at the habits of highly successful people that we should think about adopting in order to improve ourselves, question whether it’s goals or systems that are the most important step to getting the outcome you want, and how to stop playing e-mail tag when you’re trying to set up a phone call or meeting.

Weekly Round-Up #142: Successful Habits, Should We Set Goals And How To Schedule Meetings
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I hope you’ve had a fun and productive week! In this week’s round-up we look at the habits of highly successful people that we should think about adopting in order to improve ourselves, question whether it’s goals or systems that are the most important step to getting the outcome you want, and how to stop playing e-mail tag when you’re trying to set up a phone call or meeting.

8 Habits Of Highly Successful People | Learn To Become Successful – Crossword Life

Aditya emailed me and asked me to take a look at his new website and his first post contains a wealth of information on how you can learn to become successful with just a few sinple changes to your thinking and habits.

12 Quirky Measurements You’Ve Never Heard Of – OnStride

I’m British so I’m used to measurements that other people around the world may find odd – although I grew up during the change-over between imperial and metric measurements so use both interchangeably! I use the phrase “I’ll be back in a jiffy” quite often – little knowing that I’d have to have Superman like speed to accomplish it!

How Anger Affects The Brain And Body [Infographic] – Personal Excellence

We all know that anger can affect us physically – increased heart rate, reddening of the cheeks, blood pressure rises – but did you know it also affects your brain as well? This infographic from nicabm shows you how these changes can affect your brain chemistry and the knock-on effect that can have on other areas of your body. After reading this, it may make you think twice about unleashing your Inner Hulk!

3 Simple Tricks To Make Scheduling Meetings Easy – Go Burrows

How many times have you played email tag with someone, trying to set up an acceptable time for a meeting? It gets even worse if there are multiple people involved. Jeremy over at Go Burrows gives you 3 simple suggestions on how you can settle on a meeting date and time without too much hastle

9 Google Calendar Features You Should Be Using – Make Use Of

One of Jeremy’s suggestions is to use your assistant, but if you’re working for youself and can’t afford the luxury of a secretarial service or V.A, or you’re a lower-level employee that has to maintain your own calendar then it can be a bit difficult to organise. That’s where some of the lesser know Google Calendar features come in such as creating an appointment page, layering calendars and setting up a world clock.

30 Day De-Clutter Challenge – Love And Marriage Blog

I know that October has 31 days, but you can use the last day to rest! I’m a big fan of having decluttering sessions year round and not just leaving it until spring. If you’re unsure what needs to be decluttered, or know you need to do something but don’t know where to start then this handy calendar will give a prompt for 30 days so you can break the cleaning down into small manageable chunks.

The Science-Backed Guide To The Best Nap Of Your Life – Apartment Therapy

I am one of these people who just can’t seem to nap. It’s all or nothing for me: I fall into a proper deep sleep when my head hits the pillow and if I do try to nap it tends to be a doze that leaves me feeling worse that if I’d have stayed awake. If you’re one of those fortunate people who can nap, then supercharge your snooze with these tips from the Apartment Therapy blog.

Break The Ice In Any Situation With These 10 Conversation Starters – Lifehack

Are you the life and soul of the party or a wallflower who finds it difficult to talk to new people? If it’s the latter then take a look at Lifehack’s article which gives you some great tips on conversation starters. My tip? You can’t go far wrong with the weather, but I’m biased toward that topic as I’m British!

Hat Tip: Lifehacker

A Practical Guide To Owning Fewer Clothes – Becoming Minimalist

I’ve just had a big purge of all my wardrobes and drawers and donated a lot of stuff to charity that was too small, too big or I hadn’t warn in years. It was disconcerting that with the amount of t-shirts I gave away filled two large black rubbish sacks. Think of all that money that could have been spent on something more permanent and useful! So, if you’re looking to buy less stuff (it doesn’t just have to be clothes) then Becoming Minimalist has some great ideas to curb your spending.

Here’s Why It Feels Like You Have No Free Time, In One Chart – IFL Science

Are you constantly moaning that you feel like you have no free time and that all you do is work? WRONG! IFL Science has a great chart to prove that this feeling is all your own fault and gives you the reason why!

8 Toxic Personalities Every Successful Person Avoids – Entrepreneur

I’ve written in the past about Toxic Coworkers (n fact I came up with 12 types – guess I’ve been super-unlucky, huh?!) but I think that it’s worth revisiting and getting another opinion, and perhaps some other types of toxic people I may have missed.

Forget About Setting Goals. Focus On This Instead – James Clear

We’re constantly told that setting goals is important in order to move forward in a project and our lives and develop as a person. James Clear argues that it’s not the goal that’s important but the system you put in place in order to achieve it.

Whilst James does make some
compelling arguments, I’d counter that you can’t put a system in place without know what that system is supposed to go (i.e your goal). I think it’s a bit like the Chicken or the Egg – what comes first: The goal or the system?

What do you think? Which is more important – is it a goal or a system? Let me know in the comments.

The Fortune 500 Pay Counter – Agil8

How much money does the CEO of Apple make compared to an average employee (hint: it’s a lot more), how about the CEO of Amazon (hint: there’s less of a gap than you think).

Your Taste In Alcohol Will Reveal Which Hogwarts House You Belong In – Buzzfeed

Last week I shared an article about how your Myers-Briggs type can sort you into your Harry Potter Hogwarts house, this week it’s all about how your favourite alcohol can give you your Hogwarts house. Last week I was Hufflepuff and this week’s booze-related one gives me Ravenclaw (guess I better lay off the butter beer!)

Harry Potter Happy Planner Cover / A5 Dashboard
This Happy Planner Cover can be resized to make a great Happy Planner dashboard or A5 Planner Dashboard. Perfect for any Harry Potter Fan you can manage your own mischief in your MAMBU Happy Planner or A5 Filofax or Planner There are 3 files in the

Have A Great Weekend

I hope you have a great weekend, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next week, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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