Weekly Round-Up #125: Superfoods, What Does Your Desk Say & Clean Air
This week we take a look at some simple food swaps you can make to make your food “Super” healthy, what your desk style says about you and how you can check your air quality from your smartphone

Hello, and welcome to this week’s round-up. This week we take a look at some simple food swaps you can make to make your food “Super” healthy, what your desk style says about you and how you can check your air quality from your smartphone
uHoo Indoor Air Toxin Sensor* – uHoo
I was contacted by the guys at uHoo asking me to check out their new air sensor. As someone who suffers from allergies then knowing what rubbish is floating around in the air can be really helpful.
The uHoo measures a variety of factors from temperature and air pressure to Carbon Dioxide and Monoxide (useful if you run natural gas in the house).
Note that this won’t filter the air for you, but it will give you a heads up if there’s loads of dust particles floating around your appartment and you can view the data on your smartphone from anywhere.
* This is an affiliate link. You will not be charged any extra when purchasing the product, I will however receive a small commission on any sales made through this link.
What Your Office Desk Says About You – and what your colleagues think too! [Infographic] – JFK Binding
I try to keep a tidy desk (mainly by cramming everything in drawers!) but out of the 5 desk types on this list I think I’m definitely “The Techie”!
17 Effective Time Management Tips for Busy Entrepreneurs [Infographic] – MyTasker
This handy infographic gives you an overview of some small tweaks you can make to improve your productivity.
I like the idea of a time audit – I’ve been keeping track of some aspects of my time recently so I can better plan (and quote) for work. I’ve been using toggl to track my time but I’d love to hear what you guys use to track your time – let me know in the comments what apps I should be looking at.
The 12 Rules of Giving Negative Feedback (According to Experts)[Infographic] – Headway Capital
We will all have to give negative feedback to someone at some point in our lives, whether that be to a subordinate that their work is lacking or a fried that the outfit they’ve chosen isn’t too flattering.
Some people can be quite blunt when giving feedback and this can have huge consequences on morale, productivity, motivation and the general happiness of the person receiving the feedback. This infographic gives you some great tips on how to contructively give negative feedback without causing too much upset.
66 Super Foods to Help You Live a Longer & Healthier Life – Bembu
I try to eat as healthily as possible (apart from you, Broccoli! You’re not welcome here!) as it’s surprising the number of foods that you probably eat on a regular basis that are really good for you. If you don’t think that you’re eating as healthy as you could be then why not try small food swaps, like dropping potatoes and eating asparagus instead, swap white rice for brown or milk chocolate for dark chocolate (see it’s not all bad and boring!)
Hat tip: Katybeth at SelfExam.org
Best Reminder Apps For Android Smartphones And Tablets – TectoGizmo
There’s a couple of interesting entries on this list that you may not think of as traditional reminder apps – for example did you know that Evernote can set reminders for time and location? Who knew!
Have A Great Weekend
If you have any articles you’d like to share with my readers please contact me via the website, send me a tweet or leave a note in the comments
Until next time, Stay Productive!